Nakayoshi Fan Mail Corner

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Stella Nova
Mar 8, 2012
I haven't translated any of these in a while, partly because they largely devolved into just another opportunity to push merchandise, but the fan corner question for May 1995 (the issue with the Mercury chapter of Dream) was cute:

Hello Usagi. I'm a Hotaru fan. Are Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn ever coming back?

Each Sailor Soldier has their own mission. But because we're friends, I believe we'll meet again someday.
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Stella Nova
Mar 8, 2012
From the October 1995 issue:

Hello, Miss Takeuchi. In the September issue of Nakayoshi, I was surprised to see Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune appear again. I thought they'd never show up again, so that was really nice to see. I hope their return's a big success!

Uranus and the others are back again, and I was delighted to hear from so many of you about their return. Thank you so much. In particular, it seems there were lots of people who were surprised that Sailor Saturn (Hotaru Tomoe) had suddenly grown up from being a baby. She and the others are cherished soldiers who'll help Usagi and company. Please cheer them on. Also, next month's issue will take a break to keep you all in suspense. Sorry about that. But after that I hope to resume the series in high spirits.
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Stella Nova
Mar 8, 2012
From the March 1996 issue:

Eternal Sailor Moon appeared in the February issue. What kind of powers or abilities does she have?

Thanks for writing in. Diana here.
Eternal Sailor Moon has the same powers as the queen of the moon, Queen Serenity.
I think that power was shown off in this issue. It's really amazing.

I feel like I knew ESM had the same power as Queen Serenity before, but I never knew where I'd heard that from. Anyway, it's nice to have official confirmation, and to have a firmer grasp on Queen Serenity's powers.

ETA: It doesn't really make sense for Diana to have answered this question though; she never met QS, so how would she know her powers? Luna should have answered the question. But I guess plot holes even in answers to fan questions is on-brand for this series :lol:
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Stella Nova
Mar 8, 2012
I'm putting this here, but it's also relevant to my Early Days of Sailor Moon and What Do Japanese Fans Think of the Original English Dub threads.

From the November 1995 issue:

なかよし九月号に、アメリカでもセーラー ムーンの放送がはじまつたつてかいてあっ たけど、何チャンネルで何時からやつてい るの?
In the September issue of Nakayoshi, it was mentioned that Sailor Moon had started broadcasting in the United States, but when and what channel is it on?

アメリカは、とても広い国なので、 地域によって、チャンネルや時磯が いろいろなの。九月十一日から、放 映開始になったんだけど、たちまち大人気 なんだって。ウレシイな。それと、ドイツ でも放映が決まったの。新しい情報がわかっ たら、また報告するねっ
America is a very large country, so there are many channels and time slots depending on the region. It started broadcasting on September 11, and it was hugely popular at once. I'm so happy! A broadcast in Germany has also been decided. As soon as I get new information, I'll let you know. ::love::

NAOKOです.「コードネームは セーラーV」のオリジナルビデオは、 来年の春登場にむけて、現在製作中 です。また、なかよし十二月号には、応募 者全員大サーピスもあるので、期待してて ね。それから、十月十四日の午後七時から、 映画版「美少女戦士セーラームーンR」が放 映になるの。まだ、みてない人は、ぜったい に、チェックしちゃってくださあい。

The original video for “Codename: Sailor V” is currently being produced for the spring of next year. Also, in the December issue of Nakayoshi, there's a large service for all applicants, so please check that out. Then, at 7 PM on October 14, the Sailor Moon R movie will be on TV. If you haven't seen it yet, please tune in.

1. I think it's really cool that there were Japanese fans interested in the American broadcast right from the start. I'm trying to find that announcement in the September issue.

2. Another bit of info about the canceled Sailor V OVA. I wonder how far into production they got before it was canceled, and I wonder why it was canceled. I hope whatever art and script was completed gets released some day.
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Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
2. Another bit of info about the canceled Sailor V OVA. I wonder how far into production they got before it was canceled, and I wonder why it was canceled. I hope whatever art and script was completed gets released some day.
Still better, they'd resume & continue the project from those art/script. :D

[/pipe dreaming]
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Stella Nova
Mar 8, 2012
October 1993.

Usagi, wish Mamo a happy birthday for me. Did you give him a present?

Weeeellllllll... Some things are secret. September 10 is Ami's birthday. Anyway, I have to go save everyone from Black Moon.

November 1993.

Usagi, when I went to Australia, there was a stone there called Zoisite.

If you ask Miss Takeuchi, she'll tell you that the Four Heavenly Kings' names come from stones. It seems the Black Moon Clan members' names do too.

Luna, Diana is so cute, I love her.

Yup! But I'm a little embarrassed to have a child.
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