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  1. Nae

    new pgsm website and forum

    Hey...I don't recall giving you my permission to use what you have up in your story section. And if you're going to credit, you should credit the correct site--we're or is a fanfiction archive and a completely...
  2. Nae

    Weirdest PGSM dream EVER that I can't share with anyone else

    ??? :o How dare you not laugh at my dream! What else are you supposed to do with it?! :P <3 [THE HAPPY PLACE] I knew you guys would understand.
  3. Nae

    Weirdest PGSM dream EVER that I can't share with anyone else

    You'll have to wait till February till I get to New York, but you're on because I am about to win 3000 bucks from a Korean-English translation contest. Of course, I haven't won yet, but you better hope I will, or I'll be broke.
  4. Nae

    Artemis is PACKING HEAT in episode 46

    No, but I will. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHhahahahahAahahhahahahahAha(my shift key is broken and only works occasionally)HAHAHHAHhAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
  5. Nae

    Weirdest PGSM dream EVER that I can't share with anyone else

    Except for [THE HAPPY PLACE] (box title ran out of room). Okay so I went to sleep at 5 am last night hanging out with a friend, so I'm like dead tired and fall asleep. Suddenly, in my dream, my mom is telling me to go to a wedding in San Francisco. I say, okay, but then she tells me to go for a whole...
  6. Nae

    Only 6 episodes left.

    Yes please.
  7. Nae

    Spoiler-free Alliance of Goldfish

    HAH! You all have it easy! Do you know how hard it is for me to stay spoiler free? I hate spoilers, totally hate them, but sometimes, I accidentally glance at one when I'm posting them up. ;_; I support this alliance, though I am not a goldfish.
  8. Nae

    BEFORE & AFTER: A look at the PGSM actresses/actors

    Wow, thanks for doing this, Neeko, it's so interesting! I actually miss Usagi's old know, this also shows how much the downloading trends have changed--I think the screenshots from the first few episodes are not JapanDog's mpeg because they are more narrow (which is accurate, I...
  9. Nae

    Mamoru is PACKING HEAT in episode 36!

    Aww...I still think it's romantic. You do love EVERYthing about him, right? Well, Shibby is a man, and men make tents. It's part of him. You will learn to love it too. Seriously though, don't let people having some fun poking at a zipper bulge ruin the moment for you. ;)
  10. Nae

    Mamoru is PACKING HEAT in episode 36!

    AHAHAHAH it just made me want to live in Shibby's tent. Now I feel dirty and must shower. ;_;
  11. Nae

    Act 36 Opinions

    -.-; Yeah, especially since Wasu and I had to crash in Roppongi because we were out drinking past the time the trains closed. ;_; We had to wake up at 6 AM to get back in time. =_= We love this show too much. Thank you, sera|girl, the TOEI preview explains why she's missing. ^^
  12. Nae

    Act 36 Opinions

    Haha, I think I scream too much to do commentaries, and I overdo the "THIS IS THE BEST (insert word) EVER!!!!" but thanks. Actually, I just saw the DVD commentaries, and...=_= Yes, insipid. Really, I was unimpressed. Sakuya, I'm only visiting Japan right now (stalking Jyoji, kekeke)--I don't...
  13. Nae

    Act 36 Opinions

    >.< I don't think I've ever made this thread here before. This episode was so good that it makes me want to post what I think EVERYWHERE, even on the front page of our site. ;_; Alas, I'll contain myself. Before, when I said "Best Episode EVER," I always meant it, but when I say Act 36 was...
  14. Nae

    Cape Boy

    Okay, the sword is hot, but where is his head??? The shoulder pads make it invisible. ;_; They could at least give him a man pouch. :x oh yeah its a kids show
  15. Nae

    Cape Boy

    NOOOOO SAY IT AIN'T SO! >.< I never thought I'd say it, but I miss that stupid jewel on his mask. ;_;
  16. Nae

    act 35 opinions

    AGGHHH! I haven't had time to post here in ages, but I *had* to post about this act. >.< Fabulous, FABULOUS episode (I always say that though...)! Although the Usa/Mamo stuff was great, my favorite part was the Zoicite/Venus interaction. The way the writers drew so many parallels between the...
  17. Nae

    Act 34 Preview

    ;_; I <3 the parents subplot. <--loves Ami/Rei bonding <--wants pillow fight <--loves cheesiness <3 act 34 Not coherent, so very tired.
  18. Nae

    Act 33 Opinions

    I confess, I haven't read anything in this thread, but I had to say this somewhere. The Mars fight scene was HOT. Hoooooot! If I liked women, I would have gone insane. Hell, I don't like women, and I STILL went insane. That sexy walk Keiko did a la runway model was so SSSZZZZZ.
  19. Nae

    PGSM BGM STOLEN off of American TV!

    :roll: I doubt it.