According to Naoko Takeuchi in 1993 her editor Fumio Osano asked her to give Sailor Moon a daughter, this was when she began to do the Black Moon storyline. In that saga Chibiusa was first introduced from April to July meanwhile from April to June Gohans popularity as a child was outdoing every character in Dragonball by that point. Future Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo, and even Goku were also at their most popularity among fans by this point and yet Gohan drew in the most youthful viewers. It maybe because he was the child underdog that the majority of DBZ watchers who were youthful related to.
I guess because Gohan was so popular with the younger viewers the Sailor Moon writers suggested to the creator tries out the same for Usagi to have a daughter. I mean if a child character that's been a sidekick mostly suddenly becomes stronger than their parent the main poster protagonist then why not experiment with that idea?
Gohan and Chibiusa also parallel with eachother. Chibiusa in many Nakayoshi Sailor Moon popularity polls she had passed and competed with her mother Usagi atleast according to what Tuxedo Unmasked said How Did the Sailor Moon Cast’s Popularity Differ in the Anime and Manga?
Gohan in Weekly Shonen Jump popularity polls he went #1 in 1993 over his own father Goku.
Gohan was also set to be the main protagonist by Akira Toriyama but went back to Goku instead. Naoko Takeuchi said she intended for Chibiusa to be the main character but it ended up not happening and Usagi was still the main character by the end of the series.
This might not be true but I like the idea. What do you guys think?
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