Do you think the manga ending's dark and light message didn't fit the series?

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Apr 19, 2024
You've got it wrong. It's " Yes, Lady Pen, you're wrong...JUST LIKE ALWAYS!!!" :)

Galactic proportions?
Do they really think that on Reddit? That whole final battle is a load of rubbish. You’re just lighting the fuse… :siren::P
Oh, my bad! I'll make sure to get it right next time! But yes, I've read the epic-galactic-proportions thing on Reddit and on Facebook Groups. Apparently for some people the final showdown taking place in space rather than on Earth automatically makes it more rewarding, because somehow the TV Station thing feels like a damp squib for...? And the same people claim anime Stars makes no sense, but that's something I'll leave for another time.

Lady Pen, PUH-LEASE!!
I don't think that fusing light and darkness makes sense, but I do think that the theme of Chaos longing for the light isn't exactly the issue so much as how it was given to us.
AS a manga fan, I readily admit it is very flawed.
To me it needs a lot of polish and comes off as a draft for something that could be a lot better. It has interesting concepts and ideas, but it all feels half-baked and rushed. Like it was drawn up as bullet points but instead of fleshing it out and working out the bugs it was published as is.
Naoko Takeuchi has gone back and redrawn certain scenes, showing even she knows there is room for improvement. While that's fine, it's not just the art that feels unfinished.
I really appreciate your common sense. I wonder if I would be less spiteful towards the manga if manga stans didn't treat it as a masterpiece in writing, worldbuilding and artwork (and didn't often assign our love to the 90s anime to blind nostalgia, as I've often read). It seems to me that those who prefer the 90s anime will admit to it being flawed more easily than manga fans.

Future. Probably training while their own princess is in the past minding her own business. And then they go back because they have to, even tho if they aren't really friends or whatever with their own princess. So, if you thought the inners got cheated with their destiny, think about the circus girls, they got it much worse. And without team building activities.
Plus the other senshi are still supposed to be alive in the future, so the circus girls will be on hold until Sailor Moon's slaves senshi die, I guess?

Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
Lady Pen, PUH-LEASE!!

I already explained this before...they can defeat her because they are from the

Isn't that enough of an explanation for us all?
Also, we know they are super powerful because they are there to hear Sailor Cosmos' epic monologue when everyone else is dead.
So, Nehellenia can time travel, hop to the future, nab the Quartet because......reasons, and turn them into her pawns for who knows why? But then, if she can time travel and all that jazz, doesn't that give her a leg up on Sailor Moon?

Plot holes FEAST!!!:p

AS a manga fan, on and off, depending on which side of the bed I get up on, I readily admit it is very flawed.
I fixed it. :P:rofl:

Oh, my bad! I'll make sure to get it right next time! But yes, I've read the epic-galactic-proportions thing on Reddit and on Facebook Groups. Apparently for some people the final showdown taking place in space rather than on Earth automatically makes it more rewarding, because somehow the TV Station thing feels like a damp squib for...? And the same people claim anime Stars makes no sense, but that's something I'll leave for another time.
Those people have no idea what they're talking about if they really think what's happening in the last 5 or 6 chapters of the manga is a battle.

Let's have a look: Moon, CC, Kakyuu, and the Starlights fly to the centre of the Milky Way with angel wings (??????????????), as always, Naoko prioritising aesthetics above all. There's no idea more foolish than that.
The characters arrive at the River of Lethe. The concept isn't bad at first, reminiscent of Orpheus's journey to the underworld to rescue Persephone in Greek mythology. And, knowing it's a path the deceased must travel to reach the Cauldron, it's great to have a place where they leave behind their earthly memories. But what's the point of a river of memories(Mnemosyne)? What's the point of characters Lethe and Mnemosyne if they have no crucial role in the story, and much less in the battle, only to die in the blink of an eye and pass without a trace? That chapter is pure filler. Suspiciously, Takeuchi narrates how Usagi loses and regains her memories, just like in the Nehellenia arc in the anime. In the anime, that idea has a purpose which then perfectly ties in with the villain's redemption. But in the manga? What's the point?
If Lethe and Mnemosyne have fans, it's only for one reason: They're never-before-seen Senshis who never appeared in the anime, and the fandom has mythologised them just like they did with Metal Papillon, Phi, Chi, and Sailor Cosmos herself for decades.

Second round: The graveyard... Let's see, can anyone explain to me what a Christian cemetery is doing in the centre of the Milky Way? Are the coffins empty? Remember, characters are reduced to dust when their Sailor Crystal is extracted. Again, aesthetics take precedence over good storytelling. Of course, let's not even talk about 4 new Senshis (Quartet) surpassing an Animamate's power when neither the Inners nor the Outers could do anything against them.

Third round: The garden. What's the point of Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi? If Eternal Sailor Moon could kill them, why didn't she prevent the Starlights and Kakyuu from dying at their hands? What's the point of Kakyuu being a Sailor Senshi if she lasts 12 panels? 12 panels. 12. And why didn't she transform earlier to defend the Starlights and prevent their deaths?

Fourth round: Pure filler. Panels and panels of Senshis posing to attack Sailor Moon. Can Galaxia also build cathedrals? :booze:

Fifth round: The battle between Galaxia and Usagi is utterly ridiculous - magic beams and shoving each other around like cat fights -, Galaxia's backstory is vague and barely informative (saying it's better than the anime version, which isn't complex either, is showing poor judgement).
Galaxia introduces the Cauldron, a system that contradicts all the deaths, resurrections, and reincarnations that have occurred throughout the manga.

What happens next is a bad joke by Naoko Takeuchi. From Galaxia's death praising Usagi... just because, because Usagi has to be the only and most powerful Senshi in the universe, to Sailor Cosmos, a super-powerful Senshi from the future who has to rely on her past self to accomplish a task that could endanger the universe and that she could do herself. But of course, Sailor Cosmos was created to... surprise!! Praise Usagi. Usagi praising herself. It wasn't enough with the Inners, the Outers, Chibiusa, the Quartet, the cats, Kakyuu, Galaxia... her future self prefers to travel to the past, showing off her great powers to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the present.
Galaxia disappears after discovering that Usagi is the most beautiful star she's always been searching for, and Cosmos disappears after saying that Usagi is the true Sailor Cosmos. It's very clear what the author's true intentions were.

As for the wedding, with little Hotaru dressed as a bride marrying the other girls, and Mamoru getting ready for his night of sex with 8 women and a little girl..........let's not even go there. :lol:

Oh yes........ The manga's battle and ending is better than the 90's anime's.
Jul 6, 2012
So, Nehellenia can time travel, hop to the future, nab the Quartet because......reasons, and turn them into her pawns for who knows why? But then, if she can time travel and all that jazz, doesn't that give her a leg up on Sailor Moon?

Plot holes FEAST!!!:p

I fixed it. :P:rofl:

Those people have no idea what they're talking about if they really think what's happening in the last 5 or 6 chapters of the manga is a battle.

Let's have a look: Moon, CC, Kakyuu, and the Starlights fly to the centre of the Milky Way with angel wings (??????????????), as always, Naoko prioritising aesthetics above all. There's no idea more foolish than that.
The characters arrive at the River of Lethe. The concept isn't bad at first, reminiscent of Orpheus's journey to the underworld to rescue Persephone in Greek mythology. And, knowing it's a path the deceased must travel to reach the Cauldron, it's great to have a place where they leave behind their earthly memories. But what's the point of a river of memories(Mnemosyne)? What's the point of characters Lethe and Mnemosyne if they have no crucial role in the story, and much less in the battle, only to die in the blink of an eye and pass without a trace? That chapter is pure filler. Suspiciously, Takeuchi narrates how Usagi loses and regains her memories, just like in the Nehellenia arc in the anime. In the anime, that idea has a purpose which then perfectly ties in with the villain's redemption. But in the manga? What's the point?
If Lethe and Mnemosyne have fans, it's only for one reason: They're never-before-seen Senshis who never appeared in the anime, and the fandom has mythologised them just like they did with Metal Papillon, Phi, Chi, and Sailor Cosmos herself for decades.

Second round: The graveyard... Let's see, can anyone explain to me what a Christian cemetery is doing in the centre of the Milky Way? Are the coffins empty? Remember, characters are reduced to dust when their Sailor Crystal is extracted. Again, aesthetics take precedence over good storytelling. Of course, let's not even talk about 4 new Senshis (Quartet) surpassing an Animamate's power when neither the Inners nor the Outers could do anything against them.

Third round: The garden. What's the point of Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi? If Eternal Sailor Moon could kill them, why didn't she prevent the Starlights and Kakyuu from dying at their hands? What's the point of Kakyuu being a Sailor Senshi if she lasts 12 panels? 12 panels. 12. And why didn't she transform earlier to defend the Starlights and prevent their deaths?

Fourth round: Pure filler. Panels and panels of Senshis posing to attack Sailor Moon. Can Galaxia also build cathedrals? :booze:

Fifth round: The battle between Galaxia and Usagi is utterly ridiculous - magic beams and shoving each other around like cat fights -, Galaxia's backstory is vague and barely informative (saying it's better than the anime version, which isn't complex either, is showing poor judgement).
Galaxia introduces the Cauldron, a system that contradicts all the deaths, resurrections, and reincarnations that have occurred throughout the manga.

What happens next is a bad joke by Naoko Takeuchi. From Galaxia's death praising Usagi... just because, because Usagi has to be the only and most powerful Senshi in the universe, to Sailor Cosmos, a super-powerful Senshi from the future who has to rely on her past self to accomplish a task that could endanger the universe and that she could do herself. But of course, Sailor Cosmos was created to... surprise!! Praise Usagi. Usagi praising herself. It wasn't enough with the Inners, the Outers, Chibiusa, the Quartet, the cats, Kakyuu, Galaxia... her future self prefers to travel to the past, showing off her great powers to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the present.
Galaxia disappears after discovering that Usagi is the most beautiful star she's always been searching for, and Cosmos disappears after saying that Usagi is the true Sailor Cosmos. It's very clear what the author's true intentions were.

As for the wedding, with little Hotaru dressed as a bride marrying the other girls, and Mamoru getting ready for his night of sex with 8 women and a little girl..........let's not even go there. :lol:

Oh yes........ The manga's battle and ending is better than the 90's anime's.
Wow that was savage, I loved each line of this.
It’s really fun to see, as you said, how this fandom mythologized all these characters (Lethe Mnemosyne Papillon Cosmos and all) for years, before realizing suddenly thanks to the Cosmos movies that they were really shallow.

Same as the Dream arc that was romanticized as the best unadapated arc of the manga till Eternal movies were released and people understood it was [BLEEP].

How ironical, the movies that were supposed to give justice to the <i>mature & elegant</i> manga mostly made people realize all its flaws… Poor Naokohimesama huhu
Apr 19, 2024
If Lethe and Mnemosyne have fans, it's only for one reason: They're never-before-seen Senshis who never appeared in the anime, and the fandom has mythologised them just like they did with Metal Papillon, Phi, Chi, and Sailor Cosmos herself for decades.
One of them, can't remember which one, does have that impactful line saying Sailor Moon's power attracts conflict and while she lives the fights will never end, but that's basically it. Naoko dangles the concepts in front of us only to pull the rug from under our feet and axe any chance of developing such concepts. But oh, how profound, how existencial... :yawn:

In a way, I guess they've been mythologised the same way the Asteroid Senshi have. I've lost count of how many times people complained about SuperS because "the quartet didn't become Sailor Senshi", but if everybody were really honest, we'd have to admit they don't make any substantial difference.

Second round: The graveyard... Let's see, can anyone explain to me what a Christian cemetery is doing in the centre of the Milky Way? Are the coffins empty? Remember, characters are reduced to dust when their Sailor Crystal is extracted. Again, aesthetics take precedence over good storytelling. Of course, let's not even talk about 4 new Senshis (Quartet) surpassing an Animamate's power when neither the Inners nor the Outers could do anything against them.

Third round: The garden. What's the point of Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi? If Eternal Sailor Moon could kill them, why didn't she prevent the Starlights and Kakyuu from dying at their hands? What's the point of Kakyuu being a Sailor Senshi if she lasts 12 panels? 12 panels. 12. And why didn't she transform earlier to defend the Starlights and prevent their deaths?

Fourth round: Pure filler. Panels and panels of Senshis posing to attack Sailor Moon. Can Galaxia also build cathedrals? :booze:
And yet the anime's the iteration to get a reputation for having loads of filler and things that come out of nowhere...

What happens next is a bad joke by Naoko Takeuchi. From Galaxia's death praising Usagi... just because, because Usagi has to be the only and most powerful Senshi in the universe, to Sailor Cosmos, a super-powerful Senshi from the future who has to rely on her past self to accomplish a task that could endanger the universe and that she could do herself. But of course, Sailor Cosmos was created to... surprise!! Praise Usagi. Usagi praising herself. It wasn't enough with the Inners, the Outers, Chibiusa, the Quartet, the cats, Kakyuu, Galaxia... her future self prefers to travel to the past, showing off her great powers to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the present.
Galaxia disappears after discovering that Usagi is the most beautiful star she's always been searching for, and Cosmos disappears after saying that Usagi is the true Sailor Cosmos. It's very clear what the author's true intentions were.
Galaxia's about-turn is too quick to make any sense. And now that you mention Cosmos... I once got into a bit of an argument on Reddit about how I didn't like ending in the manga at all, and how I was positive not even Takeuchi knew exactly who Sailor Cosmos was supposed to be and how she fit within the story, and the vagueness and ambiguity of the manga felt like a slap on our faces. I was told that the end of Evangelion was also ambiguous but nobody would dare to say it was bad because of the ambiguity... I gave up.

Wow that was savage, I loved each line of this.
It’s really fun to see, as you said, how this fandom mythologized all these characters (Lethe Mnemosyne Papillon Cosmos and all) for years, before realizing suddenly thanks to the Cosmos movies that they were really shallow.

Same as the Dream arc that was romanticized as the best unadapated arc of the manga till Eternal movies were released and people understood it was [BLEEP].

How ironical, the movies that were supposed to give justice to the <i>mature & elegant</i> manga mostly made people realize all its flaws… Poor Naokohimesama huhu
Have they realised it though? 'Cause it seems to me they didn't. Sure, different social networks cater to different sorts of people, but I've mostly seen people talking about how much they were crying, how epic and how breathtaking the films were and so on and so forth.


Aurorae Lunares
May 31, 2009
Tankei Kingdom, Kinmoku
@Lady Pen, honestly. Who tf is mythologizing Heavy Metal Papillon?
Plenty, apparently. I witnessed a lot of fans expressing how excited they were to finally see the secret, fifth Sailor Animamate appear in Cosmos. It's all very superficial, you see. These people don't give a hoot about who these characters are or what their relevance to the story is; they only care about their pretty designs and the fact the big bad '90s anime didn't include them.


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
Plenty, apparently. I witnessed a lot of fans expressing how excited they were to finally see the secret, fifth Sailor Animamate appear in Cosmos. It's all very superficial, you see. These people don't give a hoot about who these characters are or what their relevance to the story is; they only care about their pretty designs and the fact the big bad '90s anime didn't include them.
There were plans and hints of HMP, Cosmos, and the Eternal Senshi to be parts of the 90s anime but there are no hints or plans for Phi, Chi, Mnemosyne, and Lethe to be parts of the 90s anime.
Apr 30, 2021
Plenty, apparently. I witnessed a lot of fans expressing how excited they were to finally see the secret, fifth Sailor Animamate appear in Cosmos. It's all very superficial, you see. These people don't give a hoot about who these characters are or what their relevance to the story is; they only care about their pretty designs and the fact the big bad '90s anime didn't include them.
To be excited to see something animated (or in a different medium in general) is completely different from mythologizing it. It's not like there were hints of her having some sort of backstory or this new, unprecedented character development.
Last edited:
Apr 19, 2024
To be excited to see something animated (or in a different medium in general) is completely different from mythologizing it. It's not like there were hints of her having some sort of backstory or this new, unprecedented character development.
I think it has more to do with how some fans considering anime Stars not including this roster of minor Animamates a huge overlook (not to say sin), and how they'd often talk about them as if they were remarkable and impactful characters. I remember I once mentioned how none of the (then) manga-only Animamates stayed long enough to make a lasting impression or be anything than a plot device, and was served with a long rant of how even HMP was a memorable character (I suppose they're taking Takeuchi's notes on the Materials Collection artbook to fill in the gaps of the manga, but still)...

Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
To be honest this whole 'light and dark must co-exist' of the manga is half-baked and comes out of nowhere.

Because, let's be clear, in the 90s anime, it's said light and darkness reside in the hearts of every living being and it's implied that the Konton - Chaos which took possession of Galaxia was an amalgamation of this darkness.

In the manga, it's different.
Chaos, implies it doesn't have a Star Seed that why it craves that of Usagi (just pages later it's revealed there's a Chaos Seed and Crystal - shaddup). The ONLY beings that Chaos gave birth to are Metallia, Death Phantom, Pharaoh 90 and Nehenelia.
Chaos, unlike in the 90s anime, is not a concept but a character in of itself.
Every other being was born from the Cauldron and hence they can be either good, neutral or bad.
Even the case of the Sailor Senshi being always good is murky as we have Galaxia and Lethe/Mnemosyne.

Usagi claiming that light and darkness must coexist as if it's in the order of things doesn't make any sense because Chaos is an exception in the grand order and there aren't as many envoys of Chaos as there are Senshi in the universe. They are not two faces of the same coin.
The Shintenno, the Black Moon Clan, the Witches 5, the Animamates - all of them weren't created by Chaos, they were simply influenced by evil and became evil - they were neither born as good nor evil.
Quite the contrary in fact, since Senshi are naturally born from the Cauldron, are appointed with the safeguard of the universe and are gifted with great, exceptional power - the Cauldron implies light MUST prevail over evil.

On things that have always be mythologized, Chaos being the originator of all the big bads has always been a major advocate of 'the manga is better than the anime'.
Like 90% of the things of the manga, this is a single line that has no overall bearing on the story, it's just a cool tidbit not a game changer.
People talk about this revelation as if the story was turned on it's head and the different arcs built up to something, it doesn't.

This isn't Orochimaru, Pain or Obito from Naruto whose schemes go back to several decades, influencing several generations and literally impacted the history of the story's world.

Nehenelia's supposed 'curse' (which Takeuchi via the character's dialogue goes both ways) and Metallia's invasion are 2 different, separate attacks and not a calculated move from Chaos.
It's just a small, quick foot note that Takeuchi thought was cool and ends up being the most clichéd, fanficition idea ever.

I think it has more to do with how some fans considering anime Stars not including this roster of minor Animamates a huge overlook (not to say sin), and how they'd often talk about them as if they were remarkable and impactful characters. I remember I once mentioned how none of the (then) manga-only Animamates stayed long enough to make a lasting impression or be anything than a plot device, and was served with a long rant of how even HMP was a memorable character (I suppose they're taking Takeuchi's notes on the Materials Collection artbook to fill in the gaps of the manga, but still)...
Another thing that I don't understand.
Yes, if the information in the art book had any value or helped us to better understand Papillon as a character but it just seems as random trivia - she's a samba dancer and has a kid... how does that play into her role in the story? None!

Interestingly, in the 999 series one of the main characters is Lotus, a scantily clad character who is a belly dancer and a mother. Either it's a big coincidence or in Japanese culture/history, there was a famous woman/character like that?


Aurorae Lunares
Apr 16, 2013
To be honest this whole 'light and dark must co-exist' of the manga is half-baked and comes out of nowhere.

Because, let's be clear, in the 90s anime, it's said light and darkness reside in the hearts of every living being and it's implied that the Konton - Chaos which took possession of Galaxia was an amalgamation of this darkness.

On things that have always be mythologized, Chaos being the originator of all the big bads has always been a major advocate of 'the manga is better than the anime'.
Like 90% of the things of the manga, this is a single line that has no overall bearing on the story, it's just a cool tidbit not a game changer.
People talk about this revelation as if the story was turned on it's head and the different arcs built up to something, it doesn't.
In the 90's anime series, Chaos may be smoke, but has a conscience, and is the source of all evil as Princess Kakyuu says.
He can influence humans, yes. But he also creates monsters, Metalia, she didn't come into the world like that, the smoke...
When he destroys Galaxia's bracelets in episode 200, it is no longer Galaxia, but Chaos himself who speaks, who has a conscience.
In the Japanese Blu Ray notes, it is clearly stated that this is the incarnation of Chaos 100% (Sailor Chaos), even the Americans describe the character this way.
Likes: kasumigenx

Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
Wow that was savage, I loved each line of this.
It’s really fun to see, as you said, how this fandom mythologized all these characters (Lethe Mnemosyne Papillon Cosmos and all) for years, before realizing suddenly thanks to the Cosmos movies that they were really shallow.

Same as the Dream arc that was romanticized as the best unadapated arc of the manga till Eternal movies were released and people understood it was [BLEEP].

How ironical, the movies that were supposed to give justice to the <i>mature & elegant</i> manga mostly made people realize all its flaws… Poor Naokohimesama huhu
But you know.... the last arc of the manga have a climax and close really well the SM universe................................ :siren::siren::siren::siren:

A small part of the fandom wanted an epopee for the finale, and due to Takeuchi gave them that at the expense of quality in storytelling, art and panelling, they forgive those flaws telling themselves the anime also had flaws and was worse.

Another thing that I don't understand.
Yes, if the information in the art book had any value or helped us to better understand Papillon as a character but it just seems as random trivia - she's a samba dancer and has a kid... how does that play into her role in the story? None!

Interestingly, in the 999 series one of the main characters is Lotus, a scantily clad character who is a belly dancer and a mother. Either it's a big coincidence or in Japanese culture/history, there was a famous woman/character like that?
I don't think so. Looks like Takeuchi was in a party mood. She designed HMP like a Samba dancer and Sailor Phi and Chi like '70s disco dancers. Just look at the designs of those two. It's obvious Naoko had run out of ideas for copying designing characters. Her last attempt was borrowing some features from Fukano's La Cygne design for Sailor Cosmos. :eyebrows:
Apr 25, 2016
So, Nehellenia can time travel, hop to the future, nab the Quartet because......reasons, and turn them into her pawns for who knows why? But then, if she can time travel and all that jazz, doesn't that give her a leg up on Sailor Moon?

Plot holes FEAST!!!:p

I fixed it. :P:rofl:

Those people have no idea what they're talking about if they really think what's happening in the last 5 or 6 chapters of the manga is a battle.

Let's have a look: Moon, CC, Kakyuu, and the Starlights fly to the centre of the Milky Way with angel wings (??????????????), as always, Naoko prioritising aesthetics above all. There's no idea more foolish than that.
The characters arrive at the River of Lethe. The concept isn't bad at first, reminiscent of Orpheus's journey to the underworld to rescue Persephone in Greek mythology. And, knowing it's a path the deceased must travel to reach the Cauldron, it's great to have a place where they leave behind their earthly memories. But what's the point of a river of memories(Mnemosyne)? What's the point of characters Lethe and Mnemosyne if they have no crucial role in the story, and much less in the battle, only to die in the blink of an eye and pass without a trace? That chapter is pure filler. Suspiciously, Takeuchi narrates how Usagi loses and regains her memories, just like in the Nehellenia arc in the anime. In the anime, that idea has a purpose which then perfectly ties in with the villain's redemption. But in the manga? What's the point?
If Lethe and Mnemosyne have fans, it's only for one reason: They're never-before-seen Senshis who never appeared in the anime, and the fandom has mythologised them just like they did with Metal Papillon, Phi, Chi, and Sailor Cosmos herself for decades.

Second round: The graveyard... Let's see, can anyone explain to me what a Christian cemetery is doing in the centre of the Milky Way? Are the coffins empty? Remember, characters are reduced to dust when their Sailor Crystal is extracted. Again, aesthetics take precedence over good storytelling. Of course, let's not even talk about 4 new Senshis (Quartet) surpassing an Animamate's power when neither the Inners nor the Outers could do anything against them.

Third round: The garden. What's the point of Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi? If Eternal Sailor Moon could kill them, why didn't she prevent the Starlights and Kakyuu from dying at their hands? What's the point of Kakyuu being a Sailor Senshi if she lasts 12 panels? 12 panels. 12. And why didn't she transform earlier to defend the Starlights and prevent their deaths?

Fourth round: Pure filler. Panels and panels of Senshis posing to attack Sailor Moon. Can Galaxia also build cathedrals? :booze:

Fifth round: The battle between Galaxia and Usagi is utterly ridiculous - magic beams and shoving each other around like cat fights -, Galaxia's backstory is vague and barely informative (saying it's better than the anime version, which isn't complex either, is showing poor judgement).
Galaxia introduces the Cauldron, a system that contradicts all the deaths, resurrections, and reincarnations that have occurred throughout the manga.

What happens next is a bad joke by Naoko Takeuchi. From Galaxia's death praising Usagi... just because, because Usagi has to be the only and most powerful Senshi in the universe, to Sailor Cosmos, a super-powerful Senshi from the future who has to rely on her past self to accomplish a task that could endanger the universe and that she could do herself. But of course, Sailor Cosmos was created to... surprise!! Praise Usagi. Usagi praising herself. It wasn't enough with the Inners, the Outers, Chibiusa, the Quartet, the cats, Kakyuu, Galaxia... her future self prefers to travel to the past, showing off her great powers to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the present.
Galaxia disappears after discovering that Usagi is the most beautiful star she's always been searching for, and Cosmos disappears after saying that Usagi is the true Sailor Cosmos. It's very clear what the author's true intentions were.

As for the wedding, with little Hotaru dressed as a bride marrying the other girls, and Mamoru getting ready for his night of sex with 8 women and a little girl..........let's not even go there. :lol:

Oh yes........ The manga's battle and ending is better than the 90's anime's.
I love everything you said!


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
Let's have a look: Moon, CC, Kakyuu, and the Starlights fly to the centre of the Milky Way with angel wings (??????????????), as always, Naoko prioritising aesthetics above all. There's no idea more foolish than that.
The characters arrive at the River of Lethe. The concept isn't bad at first, reminiscent of Orpheus's journey to the underworld to rescue Persephone in Greek mythology. And, knowing it's a path the deceased must travel to reach the Cauldron, it's great to have a place where they leave behind their earthly memories. But what's the point of a river of memories(Mnemosyne)? What's the point of characters Lethe and Mnemosyne if they have no crucial role in the story, and much less in the battle, only to die in the blink of an eye and pass without a trace? That chapter is pure filler. Suspiciously, Takeuchi narrates how Usagi loses and regains her memories, just like in the Nehellenia arc in the anime. In the anime, that idea has a purpose which then perfectly ties in with the villain's redemption. But in the manga? What's the point?
If Lethe and Mnemosyne have fans, it's only for one reason: They're never-before-seen Senshis who never appeared in the anime, and the fandom has mythologised them just like they did with Metal Papillon, Phi, Chi, and Sailor Cosmos herself for decades.

Second round: The graveyard... Let's see, can anyone explain to me what a Christian cemetery is doing in the centre of the Milky Way? Are the coffins empty? Remember, characters are reduced to dust when their Sailor Crystal is extracted. Again, aesthetics take precedence over good storytelling. Of course, let's not even talk about 4 new Senshis (Quartet) surpassing an Animamate's power when neither the Inners nor the Outers could do anything against them.

Third round: The garden. What's the point of Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi? If Eternal Sailor Moon could kill them, why didn't she prevent the Starlights and Kakyuu from dying at their hands? What's the point of Kakyuu being a Sailor Senshi if she lasts 12 panels? 12 panels. 12. And why didn't she transform earlier to defend the Starlights and prevent their deaths?

Fourth round: Pure filler. Panels and panels of Senshis posing to attack Sailor Moon. Can Galaxia also build cathedrals? :booze:

Fifth round: The battle between Galaxia and Usagi is utterly ridiculous - magic beams and shoving each other around like cat fights -, Galaxia's backstory is vague and barely informative (saying it's better than the anime version, which isn't complex either, is showing poor judgement).
Galaxia introduces the Cauldron, a system that contradicts all the deaths, resurrections, and reincarnations that have occurred throughout the manga.

What happens next is a bad joke by Naoko Takeuchi. From Galaxia's death praising Usagi... just because, because Usagi has to be the only and most powerful Senshi in the universe, to Sailor Cosmos, a super-powerful Senshi from the future who has to rely on her past self to accomplish a task that could endanger the universe and that she could do herself. But of course, Sailor Cosmos was created to... surprise!! Praise Usagi. Usagi praising herself. It wasn't enough with the Inners, the Outers, Chibiusa, the Quartet, the cats, Kakyuu, Galaxia... her future self prefers to travel to the past, showing off her great powers to DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the present.
Galaxia disappears after discovering that Usagi is the most beautiful star she's always been searching for, and Cosmos disappears after saying that Usagi is the true Sailor Cosmos. It's very clear what the author's true intentions were.

As for the wedding, with little Hotaru dressed as a bride marrying the other girls, and Mamoru getting ready for his night of sex with 8 women and a little girl..........let's not even go there. :lol:

Oh yes........ The manga's battle and ending is better than the 90's anime's.
Maybe, it would be better if Naoko stick to what she was planning before TOEI rejected her plans for Sailor Stars.
Likes: julayla
Apr 30, 2021
and was served with a long rant of how even HMP was a memorable character (I suppose they're taking Takeuchi's notes on the Materials Collection artbook to fill in the gaps of the manga, but still)...
Like everything else in Stars, HMP could have been memorable. She's clearly not. I've seen MoDs from the 90s anime with more personality than her.

Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
Like everything else in Stars, HMP could have been memorable. She's clearly not. I've seen MoDs from the 90s anime with more personality than her.
Well..... HMP is not a character, so....... the butterflies flying around the cemetery are more meaningful than.... it. :booze:

I love everything you said!
Oh, can you imagine? My post on Reddit??? They would surely report me to the police. :lol::lol::lol: Lady Pen is wanted by the FBI for violating the deepest feelings and passions towards the Holy Virgin Naoko.
Apr 19, 2024
Like everything else in Stars, HMP could have been memorable. She's clearly not. I've seen MoDs from the 90s anime with more personality than her.
Couldn't agree more!

She could have been memorable if TOEI did not remove her from the plot.
The fact that she was removed from the plot and didn't make any sort of difference is telling, IMO