Chapter 101: All Roads Lead Back To Academy City!: Forced To Fight With The Odds And The Deck Stacked Against You!
"Hello viewers, Zachary here. Now, I know what all of you viewers must be thinking, shouldn't the Clear Card arc be continuing on from the last chapter?...Well, technically, yes, you would be right, if Clamp, which is the anime company that first created the Cardcaptor Sakura anime, had gone and finished the next season of Clear Card...However, seeing as how that that hasn't happened quite yet. I think that it is far more proper, that we just go on with the story regardless...I mean, after all, you can just consider this a bit of something extra to read, while we are all waiting for the eventual release of the next season of Clear Card. Whenever that might be...But, I think that that is quite enough of fourth wall break rambling from me, wouldn't you say?...So, with that now over with, let us finally move on to the next arc of this story shall we?"
Okay, so fourth wall breaking aside. You must all be wondering how exactly things transpired. What with no current Clear Card anime timeline beyond the last chapter to work with? Well, allow me to oblige, and show all of you. Anyway, moving to the current moment in the timeline, where we had last left off. Well not exactly the same moment, but you get what I mean when I say that.
Anyway, as it currently stood, me, Sakura, Li, Kero, and Yue, weren't exactly in Tomoeda at that current moment. Actually, I seem to be getting ahead of myself a little bit here, so let's just wind the clock back a little bit to a little while ago shall we?
So, it all started the morning after me and Sakura, had had that weird and bizarre dream, with the recurring cloaked figure. Well, to be perfectly honest, it was actually Akiho, who was the actual identity of the cloaked figure in question. But, since Kaito had gone and rewound time, thus erasing our memories of such. We didn't exactly know anymore, that Akiho was the cloaked figure. But I digress, fast forward to the current morning after all of that had transpired the previous night. And to be honest, me and Sakura, were still slightly bewildered, with how things had proceeded so far, what with the appearances, and the capturing, and sealing of the current 20 Clear Cards, that we both had currently in our possession.
However, such things, regarding the current situation, actually had nothing to do with that. In fact, it had more to do with the current fact, that. Well, let me explain this a bit further.
Anyway, while me, Sakura, Li, Yue, and Kero, were currently discussing that we had actually discovered, that for some unknown and mysterious reason, all of the 20 Clear Cards, that we currently had in our possession, had actually lost all of their color. And, like our Clow Cards before this had happened, had suddenly become transparent and clear. And thus, were of absolutely no use to us at the current moment.
However, it was then that the five of us, were then interrupted, by a mysterious, and yet all too familiar portal, suddenly appearing in our room. "What the heck...where did that come from?...Wait a sec't tell me..." I thought to myself, only for my thought to be cut abruptly short, by the portal, suddenly creating a vacuum, which wound up sucking all three of us into it. And, as future events would wind up showing, this, would soon wind up becoming the very least of our problems. In fact, the three of us, along with Li, and Yue, would soon find ourselves, back in the all too familiar surroundings, of Academy City.
Date: September 20, 2009
And as for all of the Star Cards that we had? Well, all of them, for some unknown and mysterious reason, had all of their color, as well as their magical aura back. And, to make things even that much more weird, our Dream Keys, had now reverted back, to our Star Keys. But, as the four of us were now back in Academy City, and in one of the cities many grime colored alleys. However, just as the five of us, had just managed to get to our feet, and then briefly get our bearings, we then heard some familiar sounding female groans, that seemed to be coming from not too far away from us. And when we had rounded a nearby corner, and came across five all too familiar female figures, a very shocked look then slowly made its way across my face, but I did my absolute best to hide it.
"Wait a sec...are you serious right now?!...Why are Bluebell, Peach, Lily, Daisy, and Salvia here as well?!...Okay...this...depending on what is truly going on here, and why we are all back in Academy City again...This could either wind up being very could very equally wind up being very very bad...not just for the five of us...but for anyone else, who may have, or may not have, wound up in Academy City by something similar," I thought to myself, with quite a bit of immense worry, currently present on my face.
And, it was when I had briefly looked up, towards the top of the grime covered alley, that I then noticed, that the sky, at that very moment, was for some reason, very dark, and very ominous looking.
And yet, though none of the five of us knew at the given moment, there was in fact a very good reason, why the ten of us, had suddenly found ourselves, back in Academy City once again after not too long a time. In fact, we would soon learn, that the current situation, was actually quite a bit more dire, and even more life threatening and immensely dangerous, then anyone of us would even begin to realize, or even believe for that matter. And as Angel Bluebell, who looked like she had speaking out into space to no one. Even though I basically knew that she was currently wrapping up her fourth wall break. And when the five of them, then noticed the five of us. I then realized, that things, as they currently were, were not at all what they seemed.