How a rich girl's life created the most popular magical girl - debunking that MADE-UP viral post

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Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ


Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
I recognize that name, he's one of 3 people who helps Mike Dent with translation work on the essay extras he does for Discotek's toku Blu-ray sets.

He has also posted articles for the Tokusatsu Network website.
And his own site (currently hasn't been updated since Jun. 19, '22):

Ayaku Web
Likes: Starlight
Apr 30, 2021
Some people are starting to wake up and see the truth about this lazy woman.
I think it was in her “60 Questions” interview in 1993 that she mentioned she initially wanted to become a doctor. However, because she spent a lot of time reading manga, her grades dropped, and she wasn’t med school material anymore. So her mom (I think?) pushed her towards pharmacy to marry rich. I think it takes quite a lot of guts to challenge your parents like this and pursue a career in a field you enjoy. Reading those old interviews, it amazes me how adamant she was about wanting to draw, and she basically hasn’t in 20 years (no, I am not counting illustrations).
Feb 20, 2023
I saw the video,the video was not defamatory.It just talk about how she made sailor moon ,and how her life influence the creation.
Right, I'm not surprised this forum would pretend this video is waking people up to the evils of Naoko... being wealthy...?, but the video is positive and most reactions are about how people never thought she was poor and there's a lot of praise for her in the top comments, like "how successful can one person be?", "Naoko Takeuchi is amazing! She was so multi talented", "Naoko Takeuchi is talented AF", even the creator has a comment simply stating "Takeuchi is amazing!". The closest to a negative comment is one that says the anime is boring and dragged out.

One thing about the video I didn't get is why the quote about NT being "at a low place" is meant to to be disproven by her being well-off, as if someone who is wealthy can't feel they're in a low place, but other people already asked this in the comments and the video creator has apologized for making this point confusing. Other than that I think it was a very good video and the channel looks good, too.


Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
I think it was in her “60 Questions” interview in 1993 that she mentioned she initially wanted to become a doctor. However, because she spent a lot of time reading manga, her grades dropped, and she wasn’t med school material anymore. So her mom (I think?) pushed her towards pharmacy to marry rich. I think it takes quite a lot of guts to challenge your parents like this and pursue a career in a field you enjoy. Reading those old interviews, it amazes me how adamant she was about wanting to draw, and she basically hasn’t in 20 years (no, I am not counting illustrations).

Career-wise - physician > pharmacist > mangaka > housewife
Marriage-wise - marrying rich guy > marrying fellow mangaka

(Note that I'm not suggesting that she's materialistically poor nowadays, as I always think it's quite the contrary.)

Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
I think it was in her “60 Questions” interview in 1993 that she mentioned she initially wanted to become a doctor. However, because she spent a lot of time reading manga, her grades dropped, and she wasn’t med school material anymore. So her mom (I think?) pushed her towards pharmacy to marry rich. I think it takes quite a lot of guts to challenge your parents like this and pursue a career in a field you enjoy. Reading those old interviews, it amazes me how adamant she was about wanting to draw, and she basically hasn’t in 20 years (no, I am not counting illustrations).
She wanted to draw but never worried to learn the basics.

Lalala lalala lalala :sheep:


Lapis Lunaris
Dec 5, 2021
Right, I'm not surprised this forum would pretend this video is waking people up to the evils of Naoko... being wealthy...?, but the video is positive and most reactions are about how people never thought she was poor and there's a lot of praise for her in the top comments, like "how successful can one person be?", "Naoko Takeuchi is amazing! She was so multi talented", "Naoko Takeuchi is talented AF", even the creator has a comment simply stating "Takeuchi is amazing!". The closest to a negative comment is one that says the anime is boring and dragged out.

One thing about the video I didn't get is why the quote about NT being "at a low place" is meant to to be disproven by her being well-off, as if someone who is wealthy can't feel they're in a low place, but other people already asked this in the comments and the video creator has apologized for making this point confusing. Other than that I think it was a very good video and the channel looks good, too.
Frankly, I'm getting frustrated with this whole "Eat the rich" mentality people have been on about. Basically, they hate anyone who is worth more money than they are when they haven't done anything to earn them that money. Naoko Takeuchi is well known in the anime/manga community as the mind and hands behind one of the greatest manga (and anime by extension) classics ever produced. Of course she's going to be very wealthy from that. She produced something that earned her that money.

So, before someone has the gall to cry and moan about how rich people exist and how evil it is for wealth inequality to exist when it's a natural consequence of doing something in the world worth alot of money, they should check themselves and see if they have contributed anything to any part of the world's economic stage to give them that kind of wealth in turn. I guarantee that most of them will change their tune the moment they start pulling six or seven figure paychecks and say "ya know? The system friggin' works after all. You just have to work for it an make something new that people will pay for".

Sadly, though, the younger generations don't wanna put in the effort. Being creative and original isn't easy and nothing worth big money is easy. But, if someone gets a great idea, makes something of it, and then markets it well, then they'll have the wealth to show for it. Some kids today probably could do it and do it well, but won't apply themselves to it because there is always that lingering thought that they might prove themselves wrong and lose face to everyone they care about wo had to listen to their anti-wealth tirades.

Addendum: Neither communism nor socialism work and either one tends to make everyone poor except for the ruling class, because we don't live in a post-scarcity system, so we have to economize on things still. So, ruling classes WILL exist and cannot be avoided (and will virtually always be authoritarian by nature due to the necessity of enough power to micromanage resource distribution and the economy by extension) unless and until the source of any powerbase (i.e. control of resources and/or wealth in whatever form it takes) no longer has the power of scarcity. We don't have the technology to achieve that yet. If you wanna do away with wealth, then figure out how to edit matter on demand safely, cheaply (in terms of energy consumption), quickly, and reliably and then resist any offers of hordes of material wealth to freely distribute an economy-busting breakthrough in technology that will essentially give us Star Trek replicators that usher in a post-scarcity system.
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Aurorae Lunares
May 31, 2009
Tankei Kingdom, Kinmoku
Frankly, I'm getting frustrated with this whole "Eat the rich" mentality people have been on about. Basically, they hate anyone who is worth more money than they are when they haven't done anything to earn them that money. Naoko Takeuchi is well known in the anime/manga community as the mind and hands behind one of the greatest manga (and anime by extension) classics ever produced. Of course she's going to be very wealthy from that. She produced something that earned her that money.
People aren't really criticizing Naoko being rich. They are countering the narrative built by her fans who try to portray her as the poor little victim who got abused and taken advantage of by big bad corporations when clearly that wasn't the case. Not only Naoko came from a well-off family who pampered her with luxury and never had to struggle for anything, but actually Kodansha and Toei were very good to her and treated her quite well, much better than how they treated other artists working for them at the time.
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Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ

Ayaku Web said:
There is something I want to address regarding my recent Naoko Takeuchi video.

You can always experience struggle or low points in life no matter what your financials are like. I agree with those pointing this out to me in the comments of the video. You are absolutely correct.

I included in my title of the video that the viral post (pictured below) that went around a few years back was "made up" (literally has no source), but because I chose to say the word "false" in reference to the quote in the viral post, and not specify that the viral post itself was made-up, or even say it was made-up, I unintentionally suggested that rich people don't have low points in life and don't struggle. I apologize to everyone for making that mistake and hurting a lot of viewers in the process. Depression affects everyone regardless of status.

Regarding the viral-post, Takeuchi has never said "I was at a low place, so I wrote about girls I wish were my friends" in any interviews and goes against the story of how Sailor Moon came to be in the first place.

The purpose of my video was to debunk that made-up viral post. While it was wholesome, it was completely different from what actually happened behind the scenes. I wanted to tell the story of how Sailor Moon was actually created backed with credible sources (links included in my video description) that include interviews with Takeuchi and her editors behind Sailor Moon. Other Sailor Moon fansites and fans have also debunked that viral post as well (I also included links of them in the video description)

The creation of Sailor Moon all started because Toei wanted a Sailor V anime and Takeuchi instead created Sailor Moon with five core members. She chose five because she was inspired by Himitsu Sentai Gorenger (The first Super Sentai made up of five members. It's also the same franchise that inspired Power Rangers in the 90s). And that her lifestyle growing up was also written into the characters and settings.

Again, I want to apologize to those I've hurt with the careless writing in my script. I promise to do better.


Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
I don't feel like people are seriously being mean with the jokes about Naoko's wealth and cars and all of the Naoko Hime-Sama jabs (at least I'm not).
I think her story is still inspiring in some ways and I do respect her.
A lot of the teasing comes from people who make it like she's the goddess in the flesh and that because she is a woman she shouldn't have to share any of the credit for the creation of Sailor Moon.

Toei/Bandai obviously wanted what talent she had and gave her an outline and with a lot of help she fleshed it out.
That's not shameful and as far as I'm aware, they all acknowledge her as the creator and give her 99% credit.

I can assure those offended on her behalf, she is not aware nor affected by fans on a forum teasing her for being fabulously wealthy and famous.
And for those of you who genuinely are envious of the Hime-Sama: