In the 1990s, how were Michiru and Haruka, acting as mothers for Hotaru, viewed (like in Sailor Moon Stars?)

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Jan 4, 2023
I imagine they could have asked Usagi and Mamoru to "Borrow" Chibiusa for a few hours to go and hypnotize some bureaucrat into giving them the right documents and maybe a marriage license after Hotaru´s biological father died in that battle. But in general, how did contemporary audiences react? A lot of prejudice I would think would come from some people who thought that children naturally need a father in their life (and vice versa for gay couples). Did people think much of the fact that two women were raising a child like that?

I know they are young I guess, but they are rich and didn´t have the medical problem of giving birth and already seem to have excellent educations, so I don´t think people remembered as much that they were technically teen moms.


Gurges Ater
Jul 29, 2012
I think audiences would accept it as fiction, but not in real life.

From what I have read, being gay is very difficult in Japan. It is a country with a very homogeneous society and most people are expected to “fit in.” Gay people cannot marry.
Likes: SM458


Systema Solare
Jul 22, 2009
I think that Haruka, Michiru and probably even Setsuna too have enough money to grease some palms and get away with things. For instance while same sex couples in Japan raising children is not illegal same sex couples are stigmatized though Haruka does get away with doing illegal stuff like driving at 16 when in Japan the legal age to drive is 18.

Honestly I think the bigger deal from a legal standpoint is two 16/17 year old school girls raising a child then necessarily 2 women raising a child because again they are minors.
Jan 4, 2023
I think that Haruka, Michiru and probably even Setsuna too have enough money to grease some palms and get away with things. For instance while same sex couples in Japan raising children is not illegal same sex couples are stigmatized though Haruka does get away with doing illegal stuff like driving at 16 when in Japan the legal age to drive is 18.

Honestly I think the bigger deal from a legal standpoint is two 16/17 year old school girls raising a child then necessarily 2 women raising a child because again they are minors.
Mississippi high schools say hello when it comes to minors raising children.

And the bureaucracy is why I was thinking that they would ask Chibiusa to come with them to some civil service office to use the Luna P to make them think they are eligible for both being Hotaru's mothers and that they can marry each other.


Systema Solare
Jul 22, 2009
Mississippi high schools say hello when it comes to minors raising children.

And the bureaucracy is why I was thinking that they would ask Chibiusa to come with them to some civil service office to use the Luna P to make them think they are eligible for both being Hotaru's mothers and that they can marry each other.
Oh I know. I mean you know I live in the South and because we don't have good sex ed and abstinence only education our teen pregnancy and repeat teen pregnancy rates are astronomical. Hell with Roe V Wade being overturned we are going to see even more butt loads of teens having babies.

In fact like I stated before the situation was so bad at my brother's high school they needed a daycare center there because of how many girls kept popping out kids.

Though even in the teen mom and dad situations usually they have parent supervising them. Haruka and Michiru have no such thing. They basically act like adults while being in high school. I could see Chibiusa do that IE use the Luna P ball to brainwash some government officials to let them keep Hotaru though also Haruka and Michiru probably have enough money to bribe officials without having to call for Chibiusa's services.
Jan 4, 2023
I believe Haruka and Michiru don’t care about what society thinks of them.

They don’t care what Usagi thinks of them—as long as she safe and protected.

They probably do want Hotaru to feel like her mothers are genuinely, legally, parents if they raise her, with the same social status as the parents of her peers, and it´s why its kinda an insult for many people to only have civil unions, at least assuming their native language makes a distinction between that and marriage. Children see how society treats other people, and arbitrary exclusions have really painful effects. Brown vs Board of Education´s opinion given by the majority there really hammer that home for English speaking Americans.
Jan 4, 2023
Oh I know. I mean you know I live in the South and because we don't have good sex ed and abstinence only education our teen pregnancy and repeat teen pregnancy rates are astronomical. Hell with Roe V Wade being overturned we are going to see even more butt loads of teens having babies.

In fact like I stated before the situation was so bad at my brother's high school they needed a daycare center there because of how many girls kept popping out kids.

Though even in the teen mom and dad situations usually they have parent supervising them. Haruka and Michiru have no such thing. They basically act like adults while being in high school. I could see Chibiusa do that IE use the Luna P ball to brainwash some government officials to let them keep Hotaru though also Haruka and Michiru probably have enough money to bribe officials without having to call for Chibiusa's services.
Bribery is probably not their interest, it´s too obvious. Most cases of bribery are where you could plausibly destroy all evidence, that people want that evidence destroyed or hidden, or if the official could make some kind of judgement call like a cop deciding whether or not to warn a speeding driver. In Japan, as it stands now, it´s simply that if it isn´t one male, one female, each at least old enough to marry which I think is 16 or possibly 18, then a civil servant doesn´t have discretion, and being masculine or feminine would be a fundamental part of an identity you either can´t hide or really wouldn´t want to hide. Hypnosis of civil servants to act the way the Tsukinos did when they never questioned why some unusual child they are suddenly raising doesn´t appear to have natural documentation might make more sense to me.

At least Michiru and Haruka seem to be very rich, demonstrated by the fact they own a helicopter, and several sports cars, Haruka´s apartment costed a million yen per month, and they have that nice dacha somewhere as seen in the first couple episodes of Stars. Paying for childcare seems to be well within their capacity. And Hotaru grows up quickly enough that they can leave her alone within a couple of months, if she´s ever bored she can just go phone up Usagi to ask if she can play with Chibiusa.

Actually, come to think about it, Usagi is a weird example of the verb tenses around being a mother. If it is a known fact that she will be at a given point, and then Chibiusa comes back from the future in her Delorean, er, I mean, time key, is she already one? She doesn´t have the problem of financial support, pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and caring for an infant to deal with, but she does have to adjust her life in the sense of being a role model, or at least trying to be one, that´s a lot of pressure for a sixteen year old girl (and same with Mamoru of course). At least at that point it´s not too different from being a much older sister.


Gurges Ater
Jul 29, 2012
As much as I dislike some of the problems of the city & State where I reside, I am always grateful by the end of the day that I don’t live in the Bible Belt of America:

libraries banning books, racism, rampant homophobia and transphobia, public distrust of science and academic institutions. No, thank you.

Here the sidewalks have rainbows painted on them and we attempt to think critically and recognize that our diversity as human beings makes us a stronger society.


Staff member
Site Admin
May 7, 2009
Actually, come to think about it, Usagi is a weird example of the verb tenses around being a mother. If it is a known fact that she will be at a given point, and then Chibiusa comes back from the future in her Delorean, er, I mean, time key, is she already one? She doesn´t have the problem of financial support, pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, and caring for an infant to deal with, but she does have to adjust her life in the sense of being a role model, or at least trying to be one, that´s a lot of pressure for a sixteen year old girl (and same with Mamoru of course).
It's still a lot of pressure for her to compete w/ her future daughter for Mamoru, tho. :usagi: ::tuxspeedmask: :chibiusa:


Systema Solare
Jul 22, 2009
As much as I dislike some of the problems of the city & State where I reside, I am always grateful by the end of the day that I don’t live in the Bible Belt of America:

libraries banning books, racism, rampant homophobia and transphobia, public distrust of science and academic institutions. No, thank you.

Here the sidewalks have rainbows painted on them and we attempt to think critically and recognize that our diversity as human beings makes us a stronger society.
No kidding I live in the South and it is a crap show. Honestly having to live around Christian crazies especially does nothing but make my hatred of them more visceral.
Aug 16, 2014
Me living in the Bible belt .Its not crazy to me at all.As for racisim that's more of stereotype.I can count on my hand times I actually experience racisim.Lot people around here are just kind.Everywhere there is bad and good people.
Likes: kasumigenx
Jun 17, 2019
I think audiences would accept it as fiction, but not in real life.

From what I have read, being gay is very difficult in Japan. It is a country with a very homogeneous society and most people are expected to “fit in.” Gay people cannot marry.
Please see my reply to this Reddit thread here if you want a more in-depth explanation on how Japan, and Eastern cultures in general view homosexuality.