Optimum Dub rewatch

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Sep 19, 2022
Ok, I'll make my own thread for the Optimum dub. I've already finished Revolutionary Girl Utena, I just haven't put my thoughts together just yet in the other thread.

I did this around the same time last year and really enjoyed it and I like doing things around the same time of year. Since I already watched and reviewed the entire series a while back, so I won't have to explain the same general story as last time. Perhaps I'll get to Cloverway Supers this time. I still will be trying to watch Sera Myu as well.
Sep 19, 2022
I just don't get why so many promos used Zoisite dressed up as Sailor Moon with an evil face when they already have footage of her kicking a giant buff dude in the face and punching another in the gut. ^_^'

Also, why "Blue"? :ami:

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Sep 19, 2022
EP 1-5
  • I love Tracey Moore as "Serena"! I love her voice. I want to steal her voice! I wish she did more roles.
  • It even has a little bit of raspiness to it. And I think she still sounds like this
  • When I first heard her, I thought she sounded a bit similar to Starfire from Teen Titians. It's so adorable and natural sounding. I wondered how the dub would've turned out if she did the rest of the show since Terri Hawks does give a different performance and make the character her own. I feel like they gave Terri different lines that Tracey due to their difference and I really like Terri's lines there was so much oomph with her. Episode 5 and 21 [for Dic] for example had the exact "oomph" I wanted and then some. I thought her delivery in those episodes were perfect for the funny tone they had with Terri while still having an amazing voice to go along with it. Still wonder if we would've gotten the same lines though.
  • I also really liked British Luna
  • I thought she fit Luna extremely well. I wonder what I'll think when I see the S movie considering I haven't seen the Pioneer Movies.
  • "Hold it still, I want to feel its tounge." - ...........uhhhhhhhhh?
  • When I first saw this dub, I thought the title cards sounded kinda creepy. It was just slightly ominous.
  • How does Molly know about Darien?
  • Serena speaking to the audience in the Star episode isn't only time the 4th wall was broken. She also spoke to the audience while getting ready to meet "Tux" in the Nephrite episode. Unless she's just talking to herself out loud for no reason.
  • Also "Melvin" is my favorite version of Umino. He is just always shouting for no reason. Inside voices are just a foreign concept to him.
  • I thought it was a bit strange Serena casually accused Melvin of stealing a poster off a building but then I remembered he stole a camera from the photography club [or something I forgot] then tool candid picture of Mrs. H in the last episode so I think it's actually justified.
  • Every time I think of Melvin I just remember how Molly says it. Like how lots of people call Peter "Peetah" because of Lois.
  • They showed so much in the sailor says. We literally see Ann in the 2nd episode.
  • "You'll be lucky if you even reach last place" - What?
  • While I like the Japanese music more I agree that Dic sailor moon's transformation music does make me believe in magic. I do wish we heard more of that first one more along with the alternatives [will try to get back to these later]
  • "Hey Molly check out this new move for my routine"
  • So Melvin was planning on thrusting it on stage? Like this?
  • While singing Sailor Moon's Theme song! IN DRAG?!
Sep 19, 2022
EP 6-13
  • Wait so Darien will just ask both Serena and Raye to get milkshakes. He's a model and a player. ::tuxspeedmask:
  • I think it makes more since for Raye to just say how she doesn't want to be stuck on a boat with Serena instead of saying that she wasn't interested, and they shouldn't then do it anyway not even a second later.
  • So, Jadeite just voluntarily nopes out of there instead of QB forcefully taking him.
  • I'm guessing they skipped episode 6 because we can't have Serena going into an adult club in the outfit, she went in but was Sammy kicking Luna the only reason they didn't do the originals episode 5? I thought they could maybe just skip that part. :luna:
  • Nephlite's voice is so rough. I swear he actually growled like a dog at Zoisite and barked when he said back off
  • Andrew: She had over a hundred thousand points!
  • Ok, so Andrew has vision problems. Interesting take on the character.
  • I wonder what people's reaction were to the very unsubtle change in Serena's voice. :usagi:
  • I really like Katie Griffen as Raye I think she's my favorite Mars :rei:
  • I love how Mercury has the most intense way of announcing attacks. Her voice just tells you those bubbles will f**k you up! :ami:
  • These moments aren't talked about enough. :hug:
  • When QB announced the consequences the people of the Negaverse actually sounded genuinely worried about Jadeite.
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Likes: animenerd99
Sep 19, 2022
EP 14-20
  • I edited a bit of the previous post.
  • Ok so I guess Serena floating down with an umbrella off a balcony just encouraged dangerous behavior.
  • I felt leginimately sad about Serena flunking her test in the animation studio episode.
  • "He nearly mutilated my kitty"
  • "I hope you like the tassssssste of carpet!"
  • This [BLEEP]ING dub :creeper:
  • The sounds Sailor Moon and Tux were making while hanging on the elevator :mischief:
  • The way this scene it cut made it look like Darien was actually worried about why Serena was sad. In the original it was just confusion about the letters.
  • Dic actually added more violence to the Nephlite death episode. Nephlite must've REALLY HATE that 1st monster Zoicite sent. He punched her in the stomach twice.
  • Molly's VA killed this scene. She hit it with a shovel, murdered it then disposed the body and got rid of the witnesses.
EP 6-13
  • Andrew: She had over a hundred thousand points!
I'd like to quote one of my threads for this.

Working on a script for Episode 2, I'll post a snippet here for a preview:
The classic game over screen is shown to Pinako on the next screen the following names and scores are shown. 4th ranking is blank with a confirmed score of 2,023 points, this is Pinako’s score.

AMI 108710 – Ami’s Score, Not a random number
USA 009237 – Usagi’s Score, Not a random number
KAE 004450 – Reference to Kae Araki
002023 – Pinako’s Score, Not a random number
MNK 000891 – Minako’s Score, Not a random number
It's a blink and you miss it moment from a few seconds later in the Japanese version (and we'll also assume the DiC dub), but she DOES score over 100,000 points. 'll get the pic in a bit.
The actual score is 100,020, seen in these screenshots.
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Sep 19, 2022
EP 21-29
  • I think Susan Roman the main VA besides Tracey Moore I see people who don't even like the Dic dub praise. :mako:
  • It's sad episode 21 is Tracey Moore's last episode. I really liked her chemistry with Susan Roman as well. :usagi:
  • So, everyone remembers Greg right. I feel like it would be hard not to remember Greg is Greg with how many times Greg is said.
  • Just like with Melvin I think of Greg with Amy's voice every time I think of the name Greg.
  • This is it. This is the moment.
  • The moment I saw this in my recommendations my life immediately went downhill.
  • I remember the wiki saying Chad had an Australian accent. Isn't it "Surfer dude" [Californian]
  • I actually like Zoisite as a man or a woman. I thought the dolphin laugh was a bit strange, but I really enjoyed her performance anyway. Rest in peace.
  • I think Luna revealing that the 5th scout has been found warranted the reaction.
  • At least Lita isn't actually trying to still get Andrew [and is just flirting so practice for Tux]
  • Melvin used to write Serena poems and his mom doesn't allow him to eat fast food [because it's bad for his brain]
  • So, unlike the OG Dic had Mina and Artemis show up in a blink and you'll miss it moment. :minako:
  • When I first saw this dub Artemis's voice is the one that kept constantly catching me off guard :artemis:
  • Serena in Sailor Moon Says: "Its iimportant to take school seriously......................................................................................................................... Yeah you're learning more than just the subject matter ............................................................................................................................." - she doesn't believe a word she's saying does she. :|
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Sep 19, 2022
Hey its Greg!
"Are the Otaku ... and folks like Greg a fad or a foreshadowing?"

Totally a fad! I mean who would dedicate so much time scouring the internet for as much information and as many images they could find on a fictional character to the point where they can point out the tiniest differences of said character between appearances? All because of a small familiarity with said character. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THAT!?! :roll:


Solaris Luna
Jul 21, 2003
Hey its Greg!
"Are the Otaku ... and folks like Greg a fad or a foreshadowing?"

Totally a fad! I mean who would dedicate so much time scouring the internet for as much information and as many images they could find on a fictional character to the point where they can point out the tiniest differences of said character between appearances? All because of a small familiarity with said character. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THAT!?! :roll:
TGTN Comic was basically was born by Space Ghost and his crew riffing his comic about the Lunar Guardian because everyone knows after episode 200, Beryl is back. He then later drew furry comics. Strangely enough, Luna can speak English to him in said comic and gives Usagi/Serena a translator.

God. I feel old.
Likes: YuYu Yuichiro
Sep 19, 2022
EP 30-40
  • "My Only Love" is an absolute bop. When Tuxedo mask was stabbed by a gigantic crystal stake and bleeding out in Sailor Moons arms, I was just:
  • I think Terri Hawks did extremely well in episode 31. :usagi:
  • Malachite's hair in this is basically Mamoru's pants in Viz.
  • So, does Chad still think Raye's a moon princess? I don't think they tried to cover that up here.
  • What was the reason Dic had for Serena forgetting her moon stick?
  • So, there's no Endymion. Just "Prince Darien".
  • I'm fine with Dic's music but I do wish there were more tracks used in season 1. especially for sad parts.
  • They did Mercury so dirty. They let the Negaverse use her computer to track the other sailors. :ami:
  • "Carry On" is my favorite song I remember the Optimum dub playing. If you look at this video it almost looks like Serena singing it
  • In the actual one she was speaking during said part.
  • It seems like "Power of Love" is the favorite, but I haven't seen the movie's dub yet.
  • Part of me imagines Moon Cosmic Power is the same as her power in season 3.
  • So, they apparently still show this scene in the finale.
  • Why were they all speaking with different voices in the last Sailor Says segment. No way was that on accident. Their words line up exactly with the lip flaps.
Sep 19, 2022
EP 41-45
  • Artemis confirms QB is dead and gone: You completely destroyed Queen Beryl
  • So, Serena and the others are in 9th grade/high school. Mrs. H says Ann is in 9th grade and Alan is in 10th grade. Plus, Alan said while giving Serena flowers that she's "the prettiest girl in the high school." Is this still considered middle school in Japan?
  • I think Darien called the Moonlight knight "Shikum baghdad" in the VR episode. [edit fixed link]
  • So did Ann and Alan need to travel through space? Is the Negaverse portal from Season 1 still there?
  • "Rainy Day" is an absolute bop. When Lita was reminiscing on how her breakup where her heart was tragically broken I was just:
  • I guess the boy who broke Lita's heart in this episode is Freddy. It looks similar to the ice skating guy.
  • Dic was fine with showing this.
  • I noticed they added some new music this season. Like when that tree Cardian appeared they played the mind warp music
  • I do kinda wish some of the alternate transformation themes were used at some point. There was a video of an alternate transformation I wanted to put here but I think YouTube eradicated it. :sick:
  • This is two of em:
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EP 41-45
  • I think Darien called the Moonlight knight "Shikum baghdad" in the VR episode.
  • So did Ann and Alan need to travel through space? Is the Negaverse portal from Season 1 still there?
  • I had to look that up and got some results for physical therapy, and also got bags for some reason. more likely, he said "Sheik of Baghdad"
  • even the 41st dub episode showed the need, more than likely the "Portal's" gone. (Maybe a certain little monster got out in time in the dub universe?)
Likes: YuYu Yuichiro


Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
The Optimum dub is definitely a product of its time, but it's not that bad, like people claim. In fact, had there been more consistency, especially during the the CWI years, I think it would be more loved.
It's why Sailor Moon succeeded in the west. Let's face it, in the 90s and 2000s, none of us would have cared about it in the USA and Canada if it hadn't existed and we owe it that much.
Fans now are so entitled with their "accurate" Viz dub and access to subs in 20 variations.
Would I ever choose the Dic/CWI dub now? No, but I am grateful for it and I still believe the voice actors killed it during the Dic years, they were pros and are still the versions most westerners remember.
I'm glad you are experiencing the way I did.
Sadly, S and SuperS is a mess when CWI takes over...it's slightly more accurate but the writing is bad and the acting is usually stale. It also kills the continuity and feel that it's the same world, especially since they abruptly change the music and attack names.
Sep 19, 2022
EP 46-51
  • What Music played when Mop head appeared?
  • "Oh Starry Night" and "Eien no Melody" ["Eternal Melody"] Actually have similar melodies. I never noticed that.
  • Dic still snuck in that baby urinating on Ann's face in the Sailor Says segment
  • Why was an episode called "Food Fetish"?
  • Why was this a comment somewhere!?!
  • I don’t like how it has the inner voice of a grown man, with wadded up tissues everywhere, while being alone with a girl…
  • Cheating is Cheating is Cheating - :minako:
  • "And so that proves Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus exists."
  • "What about the others?"
  • "F**k the others!"
Sep 19, 2022
EP 52-57
  • These girls are straight up stalking Darien. ::eeklez:
  • I like that they foreshadowed the Doom Tree healing with Ann seeing it in a vision from Serena niceness during detention.
  • I wonder why DIC removed this bit:
  • That speech Jupiter gave to Ann about friendship during the last encounter was great. Loved the voice. :mako:
  • Ok ...... I can see how annoying people found Rini :chibiusa:
  • Raye voice keeps getting so unnecessarily aggressive while talking to Serena ^_^'. The way she said "WELL I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU SERENA" during the fire reading.
  • How does the Black Moon know Rini's name?
  • I like that Dic still brings up people like Greg in other seasons
  • So, Amy was just gonna pull a fast one and leave two weeks before when she told the others. :ami:
  • They had too much fun with the ice puns :creeper:
  • That mind warp music they started using reminds me of this from that 2000s Carrie movie actually:
Sep 19, 2022
EP 58-65
  • They keep saying Serena should apologize to Darien but like ....... what is she apologizing for?
  • Why does Chad have "weight gain bars"? And why so many? Did he make them himself and sell them to people [like Serena]? Is he trying to "dirty bulk"? Is that just a snack he likes? None of these are important or relevant questions, I'm just curious.
  • They made Catzy the oldest. Was it always planned to be that way or is it because of the voice change where she now sounds like a chain smoker?
  • I like that Birdy said she was going to miss Catzy. That was sweet.
  • Why is Serena so mad at Rini for sleeping in her bed? She was fine with it before. Does Rini even have a bed or room? Serena asked Sammy could Rini use his bed so sleeping alone shouldn't be a problem for her [in Serena's mind at least]. Was Rini just sleeping on the floor this whole time? :chibiusa:
  • During the "She got the power" bit all I could think about it Optimus Prime being epic:
  • Where does the back part go?
  • Rubeus: "Doesn't matter anyway. You were all a sorry bunch of pathetic failures- AND BADLY DRESSED TOO!!"!
  • I didn't mention this before but in the Amy going away episode did Serena saying Amy would be meeting "lewds" while talking to her earlier in the episode? :ami:
  • So we hear a different voice talking through Luna Ball. Is it possible Rini was just speaking to Luna ball before and now she's speaking to :setsuna: which is why there was a Luna voice before but not now. :luna:
  • So, wars are still being fought in the 30th century according to Wiseman.
  • I like Terri but I do miss Tracey Moore
  • Ok so I hear episode 65 is where things kinda stopped and repeated [at least on Toonami and after that we get the "Lost episodes" :purpleghost:
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Sep 19, 2022
EP 66-74
  • So, I noticed ever since they started the "Lost episodes" they started using another song in the Today on Sailor Moon parts. It sounds really panicked.
  • New screen transitions.
  • Raye sounds a bit more like Courtney from Total Drama :rei:
  • Rini is a bit more pleasant [although that's probably from story reasons] :chibiusa:
  • Darien's voice has changed and sounds a bit more like Alan ::tuxspeedmask:
  • Sometimes the music fades into other music much longer than usual
  • Dic's Episode 69
  • Sometimes Mercury says Mercury Ice storm freeze for bubble spray and Shine aqua Illusion. But also, just normal Shine aqua Illusion.
  • So, in "Child's Play" the monsters of the day are named "Doom" and "Gloom" [the discount Kunzites/Malachites] are they in some way related to the Doom and Gloom girls from Season 1?
  • Dic was made for this episode
  • I noticed they for the Star transformations only Mercury's in unaltered [besides the censorship]. Venus starts with her original but then it changes after the stars engulf the screen and Jupiter's literally changes during her spin up. I haven't paid attention for Mars's. :ami::rei::mako::minako:
  • [will probably add gifs of what I'm talking about later]
Sep 6, 2014
EP 66-74

  • Raye sounds a bit more like Courtney from Total Drama :rei:
Same voice actress
  • Darien's voice has changed and sounds a bit more like Alan ::tuxspeedmask:
Same voice actor (as in Darien's new voice is the guy who voiced Alan, and funny enough Pluto's voice actress in R and the movies voiced Anne)

Sometimes the music fades into other music much longer than usual
One of the biggest problems with the final 17 episodes of R is what an absolute trainwreck the music mixing is in the DiC dub. No wonder they just switched to using the Japanese score in S (although that came with its own issues as you'll hear when you get to S)

  • So, in "Child's Play" the monsters of the day are named "Doom" and "Gloom" [the discount Kunzites/Malachites] are they in some way related to the Doom and Gloom girls from Season 1?
Probably just DiC/Optimum forgetting they made the "Hey Gloom rhymes with Doom!" bit 2 years prior. If they can't be bothered to remember attack names (you may have noticed Sailor Moon now says Moon Scepter Activation instead of Moon Scepter Elimination, like hell will they remember the name of the monsters of the day they used from 2 years ago.

Ok so I hear episode 65 is where things kinda stopped and repeated [at least on Toonami and after that we get the "Lost episodes" :purpleghost:
It actually didn't take that long from when the show premiered on Toonami -June 1st 1998- and when the "lost episodes" premiered -November 30th 1998- Basically they ran the 65 episodes once then looped back to Moon Star is Born and after the second run of the first 65 episodes ran the 17 "new" episodes.

Now U.S fans who had been watching the show in syndication since the beginning on UPN or Fox or The WB in 1995, they had to wait 3 years to see what came after Sibling Rival
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