For someone not being able to go, some one call or text me if there is any news or anything cool happens (ex: any sailor moon goodies in the dealer's hall) at Otakon. Also I wanted to share with you all for those that do not know.
Just wanted to share with you all that there will be a Sailor Moon related panel. The Abridge Panel *aka Sailor Moon Abridged- * will be on Sunday July 31st from 9 AM - 10 AM in Panel 1 and they will be premiering the SMA Movie 2 Beta Version Fan Produced Videos in Video One or Hall A on Sat July 30th at 12:30 AM! Just thought to past that onto you.
*This could be way they didn't approve your panel Yosenex. Don't know the details. But I happen to come across about them being at Otakon through an youtube video saying they have been approve for Otakon. Anyways I hope your able to get approve next year. Either way your coming to Animazement... hint hint!
Also Sailor Moon photoshoots are at Friday at 12pm at the Indoor Fountains and Saturday at 11am at the Fountains Lobby Escalators *got these from
Ok enough from me. I've just posted info on my panels for Matsuricon under my topic (sadly can't edited the first post, don't know why) and put info up about me attending Youmacon this year!
Anyways have fun this weekend! I miss you all!