I may turn this into reading Sailor Moon's manga for the first time, but I haven't decided If I want to do that or just have a standalone thread for Sailor V. I have no Idea how much I'll do in a day, but I also needed to rewatch Crysternal while I'm at it and will probably make comparisons between it and the manga. The thing is Cosmos is around the corner, so I don't have much time . I probably should've done this earlier, but I really wanted to finish Cardcaptor Sakura first.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3:
Chapter 1
- When I see Sonic Boom, I think about that cartoon network show.
- I think Higashi has autism. He’s constantly touching his hair and face
- I kept getting confused when this girl named Hanada suddenly appeared. She looks JUST like Minako. At first when I realized they were different I thought. Hanada just had her bow slightly to the side of her hair but it looks like it's only sometimes. Kinda confusing.
- When Minako transformed, why did she say “I’m getting so wet!”? What's the feeling of transforming like?
- This has nothing to do with what’s happening but whenever I see crescent beam I think of the words Crescendo beam [probably from the Japanese pronunciation of crescent and imagine a bunch of music notes that slowly get bigger
- Artemis: "And this is my master Minako. She’s actually the Avatar: Master of All 4 eleme"
- Minako straight up called Artemis a f*ggot.
- She has a point though.
- Taku: "Minako I presume? I’m Ootaku Takuriu." - Very creative Naoko.
Chapter 3: