Sailor Moon 90s rewatch [Summer 2023]

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Sep 19, 2022
Current circumstances seem to have put me in the perfect place to rewatch Sailor Moon. I'm still watching Sera Myu and MKR OVAs but with the circumstances.

Unlike the other rewatches I've done for the 90s version I gonna try to watch every episode. Not sure about the movies but most likely since I have them on DVD as well. I'll also be flip flopping between Japanese and the Viz dub basically, whenever I feel like it. I'm trying not to be impatient but circumstances still make it so I'll watch several episodes a day. But I'm gonna try to take it easy and enjoy them more this time.

EP 1-8
  • Since I'm listening to the Blue Rays on ear plugs instead of TV, I was able to notice more music and sound effects than before. Originally, I kept having problems with how silent things felt so that was nice. I always wondered where this song played. It happens where Naru bops Usagi on the head telling her to get to school in the 7th episode.
  • Now I just need to find where this song plays in Utena
  • For the most part Stephine Seph didn't sound THAT high pitched honestly. Unless I just so happened to flip to the Japanese in those particularly high parts. Energy of lines could be better, but she seems into the role, and I appreciate that. :usagi:
  • Naru sounds really good. Never had a problem with her. Molly slayed Nephrites death scene though. In my opinion at least.
  • I honestly prefer Melvin but Viz Umino's also pretty good in my opinion. I like him. He does kinda sound like a stoner but I dunno It works for me. For some reason I lost it the first time [and kinda this time] when he put on that Lois Griffin voice in episode 7. I Japanese he sounded like Zoisite.
  • For Viz Luna. I remember her being a bit hard for me to listen to. I loved her when she casually talked to the girls but whenever she had to give exposition I dunno it just sounded especially mechanical. For now I'm not having any problems. Sounds fine to me. :luna:
  • The weird thing is that Speedy dub Luna has the closest vocal resemblance to Japanese Luna. :grey:
  • As of now it's just the background characters that sound same-ish to me.
  • Anyways for the episodes. Now that there aren't as many silences and the visuals are much better than the previous remaster I'm liking the world a lot more. I like judging these as whether I'd would've liked watching them casually on TV or..... something like that. For the most part sure, I like it.
  • "Murder them! MURDER THEM ALL USAGI!"
  • "Yeah, but my brother? You're supposed to get along with him"
  • "Drats, almost had her. Alright, just use moon dust then."
Sep 19, 2022
EP 8-15
  • I'm noticing Stephine's higher frequencies in the dream land episode.
  • Crestina Vee said dating Mamoru was awesome since he was her crush growing up. It was said in the Special features.
  • I do kinda feel Viz Rei's voices sounds a bit too old, but I've almost never had a problem with that in any other dub so that's fine.
  • Besides Rei and Luna, the main characters don't sound extremely similar as of yet. Usagi's too high pitched, Ami's too softly spoken, and Rei sounds too catty and seductive [or something like that] for them to sound the same. For me at least.
  • I really like Viz Ami
  • I think Viz Shingo's voice is the only one I'm particularly unfond of. I already wasn't a fan of Shingo so that didn't help.
  • I actually liked how Usagi felt guilty about hitting Shingo. Even though I'm not fond of Shingo I liked seeing Usagi try to be an older sister to him.
  • I am finding more things to appreciate about the episodes seeing/hearing them up-close. The world seems very lively.
  • Ami and Luna are a nice contrast to Usagi and Rei's bickering.
  • I liked Usagi and Luna being a detective duo in the early episodes. I definitely wouldn't say they're the strongest but they were nice. I especially liked 5 and 6. Episode 6 was always one I enjoyed. That's the first episode of the series I rewatched after Stars [I think]
  • Anyways Nephrite has taken over and he thinks it's a better idea to use one person for energy instead of crowds of people like Jadeite. This obviously means Naru's screwed.
  • I swear Usagi's out for everyone in this show
  • " Oh no. Its that guy I hate. You can tell I hate him with the smile of my face
  • "..... Usagi why are you getting so close to my face"
  • "Usagi quit peeping at Rei's Henshin!"
Sep 19, 2022
EP 15-30
  • The music I'm just noticing more is basically every song that plays in a restaurant and shop.They all sound lovely. I noticed some type of ballad playing in the episode Usagi wanted to tell Naru why she should stay away from Nephrite.
  • I honestly never thought Nephrite was in love with Naru [in a romantic way]. Personally, I thought he just never felt cared for until he saw what Naru was doing for him regardless of the consequences. So, he felt valued, validated and trusted regardless of his flaws. He had someone he felt comfortable enough to share a laugh with.
  • I want to feel like that's a common take but whenever I see it brought up its usually said so be romantic.
  • Zoisite's my favorite of the Generals if not all the villains but I never really felt sad for what happened to him.
  • I really love Mako's Japanese voice.::love::
  • Also, I do prefer the Dic version of Jupiter's premiere episode.
  • I always had the most ...... unclean assumption for what Ryo's intentions were with Ami's photo. Especially after the dream. I seriously shouldn't but I always jump there.
  • I'm feeling better about Akira Nakamura's episodes. With the exception of how he drew Luna early on and some of the stance poses [especially for Zoisite and that amoeba Youma] it doesn't really seem as unwatchable as I once thought. There's actually a decent few frames I really like.
  • The Tuxedo guy in picture the artist lady painted reminds me of Sera Myu's first Tuxedo Mask
  • "That's good, Veena! Play with her some more! *twists nipples*
Sep 19, 2022
There was also a sequal to that Sailor V studio movie episode in the CD drama's I wanted to make an animatic for it but I never finished.
Sep 19, 2022
EP 30-46
  • I keep forgetting how tall Ryo is compared to Ami.
  • So, I guess Minako was always able to jump from high buildings and disintegrate monsters by kicking them. I assume Artemis turned her into Sailor Venus, but he seemed also to be reacting to the story along with Luna and Usagi.
  • Literally everyone's attacking Mamoru's fashion choices in Viz.
  • Endymion: The Silver Crystal comes first!
  • Kunzite: don't listen to this dressed up fool! Sailor Moon comes first!
  • Endymion: Silver Crystal!
  • Kunzite: Shouldn't you be off serving appetizers some were!?
  • One of the subtitles said Queen Beryl's a "wizard".
  • The first time I watched I honestly couldn't tell if it was Mars or Luna talking during Venus's "never give up" introduction speech in Viz. That and when she showed up the next episode. After that I could tell her apart fine.
  • Artemis seemed really proud and passionate to introduce his girl.
  • Spoiler: show



  • Watching the entire season actually makes me feel more satisfied with its finale. Though it's my favorite ending I'm happy they got their memories back next season. I'm not sure how I feel about them losing their memories as an ending.
  • I love how the Silver Crystal just rejects Kunzite's hand by smacking him on the wrist.
  • "no"


Stella Nova
Jul 6, 2018
EP 15-30
  • The music I'm just noticing more is basically every song that plays in a restaurant and shop.They all sound lovely. I noticed some type of ballad playing in the episode Usagi wanted to tell Naru why she should stay away from Nephrite.
  • I honestly never thought Nephrite was in love with Naru [in a romantic way]. Personally, I thought he just never felt cared for until he saw what Naru was doing for him regardless of the consequences. So, he felt valued, validated and trusted regardless of his flaws. He had someone he felt comfortable enough to share a laugh with.
  • I want to feel like that's a common take but whenever I see it brought up its usually said so be romantic.
  • Zoisite's my favorite of the Generals if not all the villains but I never really felt sad for what happened to him.
  • I really love Mako's Japanese voice.::love::
  • Also, I do prefer the Dic version of Jupiter's premiere episode.
  • I always had the most ...... unclean assumption for what Ryo's intentions were with Ami's photo. Especially after the dream. I seriously shouldn't but I always jump there.
  • I'm feeling better about Akira Nakamura's episodes. With the exception of how he drew Luna early on and some of the stance poses [especially for Zoisite and that amoeba Youma] it doesn't really seem as unwatchable as I once thought. There's actually a decent few frames I really like.
  • The Tuxedo guy in picture the artist lady painted reminds me of Sera Myu's first Tuxedo Mask
  • "That's good, Veena! Play with her some more! *twists nipples*
He and Ando start tolerable and get worse over time. Nakamura in S IS unwatchable.
Likes: Jawshx
Sep 19, 2022
EP 47-49
I'm no longer under those circumstances I mentioned so I'm probably gonna be watching less episodes daily.
  • Viz An is the only being who likes attack Mamoru's cloths.
  • Something's wrong with Viz's Dub audio for certain songs. I noticed in the EP 49 The intro, Mako's song and the outro have this echoey effect that's not present in the Japanese audio.
  • Viz also had An speak in Spanish when Usagi's class asked if she lived over seas [or something] so I don't know why they didn't have those fancy people speak a foreign language for that S episode.
  • I think the first episode was my favorite work of Tachi Nakamura.
  • I also thought Akira Nakumura and Tachi Nakumura were different people who just so happened to share a last name..... I never really considered if he changed his name. I not saying he did I just never considered.
  • I need to keep tabs on what Mako's Senpai/Ex was like. Apparently, he looks like Game Machine Joe and that Skating dude and he sounds like Motoki. Also his nose was shaped liked some random guy.
  • In one of the CD Dramas [I don't really count those as cannon to the show but since I'm sparce on details], she says he has eyes like Phobos [she also says Artemis sounds just like just like her Senpai and kinda tries to f**k a bird but that's not the important detail here]
  • Has anyone made a thread about this?
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Sep 19, 2022
EP 49-56
  • I'm still watching, just at a glacial pace. I don't have much to say except Ami revealed her identity at the play.
Likes: chris tsukino
Sep 19, 2022
EP 57-59
  • I really like the alien sci-fi music that plays when they find the Makai Tree twig. And because I'm obsessed with Earthbound, I'm gonna say it reminds me of Earthbound!
  • I still love the Usagi moments here :usagi:
  • In Viz when Yaman Daka attacked Usagi says "Not these two again!" but I thought it was funnier how in Japanese she specifically called out Naru.
  • You can actually make out Mamoru's chest here.
  • How's An's hand big enough to cast a shadow like that. ::eeklez:
  • "I have a loaded finger gun and I'm not afraid to use it!"
  • "Wow, you guys suck at this."
  • Now that Usagi and Mamoru are back together I hope we get plenty of sweet/romantic moments between the two!
Sep 19, 2022
EP 60-63
  • I remember some people getting giddy about being possibly being able to see the original Mamoru design shirtless in Cosmos.
  • Chibiusa actually has my second favorite introduction scene of the characters [Haruka and Michiru being my favorite] :chibiusa:
  • the echoey audio in the Viz track can get pretty distracting I keep having to switch to Japanese whenever a song happens. I don't remember this happening for the first season Blue-ray.
  • I kind of wish Chibiusa interrogated each of Usagi's friends. I thought that would've been a nice way to see each of the character's home lives. Plus, they could interrogate her back.
  • I personally didn't have that much of a problem with breakup arc. But I do feel like it would have been better if the dreams came from Wiseman trying to break them up although I'd need to remember how each event plays out. That could be self-sabotage.
  • When I first watched the show, I genuinely thought Ami would leave then return later...... Perhaps she would have met back with Ryo........ who never specified moving to Germany.
  • "I'm surprised this never came up before and we're just hearing about it for the first time." - probably going to reuse this snippet.
  • Oh yeah, there's some with Yuichiro as well.
  • This is a Doujinshi from A-Zone by Kiyohiko Azuma
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Jun 8, 2023
Current circumstances seem to have put me in the perfect place to rewatch Sailor Moon. I'm still watching Sera Myu and MKR OVAs but with the circumstances.

Unlike the other rewatches I've done for the 90s version I gonna try to watch every episode. Not sure about the movies but most likely since I have them on DVD as well. I'll also be flip flopping between Japanese and the Viz dub basically, whenever I feel like it. I'm trying not to be impatient but circumstances still make it so I'll watch several episodes a day. But I'm gonna try to take it easy and enjoy them more this time.

EP 1-8
  • Since I'm listening to the Blue Rays on ear plugs instead of TV, I was able to notice more music and sound effects than before. Originally, I kept having problems with how silent things felt so that was nice. I always wondered where this song played. It happens where Naru bops Usagi on the head telling her to get to school in the 7th episode.
  • Now I just need to find where this song plays in Utena
  • For the most part Stephine Seph didn't sound THAT high pitched honestly. Unless I just so happened to flip to the Japanese in those particularly high parts. Energy of lines could be better, but she seems into the role, and I appreciate that. :usagi:
  • Naru sounds really good. Never had a problem with her. Molly slayed Nephrites death scene though. In my opinion at least.
  • I honestly prefer Melvin but Viz Umino's also pretty good in my opinion. I like him. He does kinda sound like a stoner but I dunno It works for me. For some reason I lost it the first time [and kinda this time] when he put on that Lois Griffin voice in episode 7. I Japanese he sounded like Zoisite.
  • For Viz Luna. I remember her being a bit hard for me to listen to. I loved her when she casually talked to the girls but whenever she had to give exposition I dunno it just sounded especially mechanical. For now I'm not having any problems. Sounds fine to me. :luna:
  • The weird thing is that Speedy dub Luna has the closest vocal resemblance to Japanese Luna. :grey:
  • As of now it's just the background characters that sound same-ish to me.
  • Anyways for the episodes. Now that there aren't as many silences and the visuals are much better than the previous remaster I'm liking the world a lot more. I like judging these as whether I'd would've liked watching them casually on TV or..... something like that. For the most part sure, I like it.
  • "Murder them! MURDER THEM ALL USAGI!"
  • "Yeah, but my brother? You're supposed to get along with him"
  • "Drats, almost had her. Alright, just use moon dust then."
I've enjoyed reading your re-watches...kind of makes me want to do the same for the DIC dub.
Sep 19, 2022
EP 64-68

  • Bullying's already bad enough but I'm also disappointed those boys called her "bun head" instead of croissant head.
  • Thoroughly disappointed :nope:
  • I understand Petz and Calaveras [....... just Calaveras] using the cloths of the shop workers but why was it necessary to strip them naked? :orly:
  • I don't know why but I respect Rei's spending habits.
  • Did that Avocado droid inspire Oak evolution.
  • I don't get why Rei thought she was too hard on Chibiusa. All she said was don't be picky [in a genuinely polite tone] then Chibiusa said "I hate you Rei" and walked off to sea. :|
  • Weird, Mako asked how Haruka was able to legally drive a car while she can just casually drive a motorboat.
  • Oh yeah, I just remember this. How is Gigi related to Aman
Jun 8, 2023
EP 64-68

  • Bullying's already bad enough but I'm also disappointed those boys called her "bun head" instead of croissant head.
  • Thoroughly disappointed :nope:
  • I understand Petz and Calaveras [....... just Calaveras] using the cloths of the shop workers but why was it necessary to strip them naked? :orly:
  • I don't know why but I respect Rei's spending habits.
  • Did that Avocado droid inspire Oak evolution.
  • I don't get why Rei thought she was too hard on Chibiusa. All she said was don't be picky [in a genuinely polite tone] then Chibiusa said "I hate you Rei" and walked off to sea. :|
  • Weird, Mako asked how Haruka was able to legally drive a car while she can just casually drive a motorboat.
  • Oh yeah, I just remember this. How is Gigi related to Aman
Agreed about Rei!
Likes: YuYu Yuichiro
Sep 19, 2022
EP 69-74
  • I'm liking Berthier more. Probably because I'm also a middle child.
  • I think the Curry episode was Kenji's last appearance.
  • For some reason I think the old Chess guy belongs in Pokémon more than Sailor Moon.
  • The way SM comforted Calaveras after Petz tried to kill her felt weird. I dunno I think it's the face she made.
  • Ok, I like the Viz dub bu-
  • :artemis:
  • "I should probably trust Usagi with this. She is Sailor Moon after all."
  • "Welcome back, I made you pancakes!"
  • :usagi:: "No thanks, I'm full."
  • "Never mind! F**k that b**ch, I hope she dies!"
  • Spoiler: show

    [I bet he's fantasizing about drinking her bath water]
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Sep 19, 2022
EP 75-80
  • I heard someone point out Tuxedo Mask should've worn a mask during the Nurse Minako episode.
  • I remembered in the Dic version of the Artemis adventure episode Luna points out they live in Tokyo "That happens to be one of Tokyo's finest seafood restaurants."
  • :mako:'s Senpai note: Was the type of person to say "Adieu". His grampa looked like a bushy eyebrow dog. What base is meeting the grampa?
  • Is that lil Minako and Ryo [the eyebrows]
    Spoiler: show
  • upload a picture online
  • Saphir seems constantly unhappy at everything, I don't know why I find that mildly entertaining. I think it's because of Dic
  • " So soary to interrupt your .... PediCUre Emerald."
  • - Oh no you guys its Discount Kunzite!
  • [Saphir noticing Wiseman smells like a rotten corpse]
  • - Leliel?
  • "Hey Amy I think I saw Artemis in that car"
  • " Oh I didn't really notice I was too busy being smarter than all of you."


Lumen Cinererum
Jun 8, 2023
EP 75-80
  • I heard someone point out Tuxedo Mask should've worn a mask during the Nurse Minako episode.
  • I remembered in the Dic version of the Artemis adventure episode Luna points out they live in Tokyo "That happens to be one of Tokyo's finest seafood restaurants."
  • :mako:'s Senpai note: Was the type of person to say "Adieu". His grampa looked like a bushy eyebrow dog. What base is meeting the grampa?
  • Is that lil Minako and Ryo [the eyebrows]
    Spoiler: show
  • upload a picture online
  • Saphir seems constantly unhappy at everything, I don't know why I find that mildly entertaining. I think it's because of Dic
  • " So soary to interrupt your .... PediCUre Emerald."
  • - Oh no you guys its Discount Kunzite!
  • [Saphir noticing Wiseman smells like a rotten corpse]
  • - Leliel?
  • "Hey Amy I think I saw Artemis in that car"
  • " Oh I didn't really notice I was too busy being smarter than all of you."
Lol, the eyebrows, the smell of death, and Discount Kunzite from the Planet Girl line of toys.
Sep 19, 2022
Jun 6, 2006
I also thought Akira Nakumura and Tachi Nakumura were different people who just so happened to share a last name..... I never really considered if he changed his name. I not saying he did I just never considered.
They're both affiliated with Nakamura Production. It's common for different animators working together to have similar styles. A great example would be Ikuko Ito and Masahiro Ando in the first season.