Episode 97.
found this info on a tumbl post.
The statue that Ami and Mamoru sat by actually exists. It is modeled after Kimi Iwasaki (born in 1902), a young girl whose mother gave her up for adoption. Two Americans adopted Kimi, but they could not bring her back to America since the girl was sick with tuberculosis. Kimi stayed behind and died at the age of nine in an Azabu orphanage. Kimi’s mother assumed that her daughter had moved to America.
Now it makes sense , why that statue was focused while Amy was talking about her dream of being a doctor.
the first time i saw it , i just thought that the statue was there because it looked cute ,

wonder if it was an Junichi Satou idea , or a katsumi idea , the animation director of the ep.
off topic but i iked this images.
I didnt know that sailor moon was in her knees at that scene

I like how the roses in front of venus look blurry , also like her bow , it looks like bieng made of metal , isnt that thing heavy? , and the blue pearl that mako has in her ponytail also looks cute.
i wish those would have had been their actual princess form , those outfits look more interesting.
it was done by tadano.