Exactly there's no weight nor gravity to the actions so it just looks 'quick and done'.
Why apply the 12 principles of animation when it just looks eye catching I guess.
Not to mention, the 90s version has lots of subtilties in the movement like the water ball has rubbery physics or when Mercury stands back up, she does a cutesy motion with her left hand, all of which are absent in the Crystal version.
Which I don't understand why they simply didn't do an original version for the Aqua Mirage instead of copying that of the 90s.
This portion looks good.
It's smooth but... why exactly are we seeing this?
In the overall sequence, it kinda feels out of place. They included this portion because the 90s version also has it but while the 90s version seamlessly incorporates it, Crystal doesn't.
Again nothing wrong animation-wise and no frames lacking.
In fact the portion of the ball ascending is more fluid than in the 90s however it's too quick.
The 90s version has just so many more smaller things in there.
There's a whole portion of the attack missing even!
And God those 3D effects are garbage looking!
We didn't need it but Toei since the late 90s has had a weird obsession with 3D
Also, see?
Trying to imitate the feel of the manga doesn't look good in anime.
Takahashi has the most detailed bodies of the 3 styles of Crystermos however when it comes to wide shots, he goes back to the feel of the manga trying to replicate the 'croquis'-esque aesthetic of the manga.
When Itoh did it in the 90s, it wasn't good.
When Takahashi did it, it wasn't good.
Takeuchi's style is just isn't good looking in anime format.