At least Coconut has nice art!
In the first close-up, she's got a broken nose!
This was supposed to be the grand return of Sailor Moon in cinemas!!!
Kon was too done with Takeuchi's BS to even care at this point
One thing they got right was the Ring of the Orb being created from the energy out of the ground.
And now, Uranus transforms into a Super Saiyan...
But I have to admit even though the art is cabbage-garbage, the effects and animation are top-tier!
Look at that extra explosion on the left at the end!
One minute, they are telling me something on my earpiece....
Look at this nonsense and whatever art.
At least they got the hatchings really good on this one.
Visually this looks really good and detailed, I like it.
However it can't compare to the 90s.
It looks super slow while the 90s does so many turns and comes right in your face!
The Orb looks kinda drunk as it skews slightly on the left
I mean, I get what they are doing, the attack is so powerful that it doesn't have much speed and is hard to move (also love how the ring is protruding) but still can't win against the 90s.
The only part where I'd say has something more than the 90s version mainly because of the ink-style shots that give a very Nekketsu touch to the ensemble!