Sailor Moon Art Director motifs

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Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
Really like the hair animation!

Even if it's a Nakamura episode and as well as her sole one, Tellu actually looks really good!

Looks a little goofy but it works.

Cool animations!

People never talk about how dreadful of a death each of the Witches 5 gets.
I remember I first discovered the S season in a magazine article relating the season and it described so dryly the fate of the 5 witches.
I immediately thought, 'Oh man! Sailor Moon goes really dark later on!'

Telulu's seiyuu does an especially amazing job here! Her scream is so chilling!
It's like just out of a 80s horror movie!

Overall, this was an entertaining episode.
The vibe greatly reminded of Venus' debut episode.
It is super cool to have Puu do something and act on her own for a change and the group dynamic of Pluto/Chibi-Moon/Moon with Usagi as a third wheel is super fun!
However, this episode feels so fast paced?
I don't have the same feeling with Viluy's or Ptilol/Cyprine's episodes.

Why does this episode have more animation than Eternal Part 2?
I can't bring myself to watch Eternal P2 anymore.
It's just so boring and so uninteresting.
How and why do Usagi and Mamoru get turned to babies? Arg!
There's so much edginess and no emotion at all! :P

Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
A look at #120, one of the best Tamegai episodes and Mimette's last stand.
A lot to talk about here! :kiss:

Cool run animation.

Love the way her hair moves.


Hair in the wind ~

Notice how everyone has their own place in this shot.

Each girl has her own identity.
Nice addition with the coffee mugs.

Sexy Mamo!

Characters participating in the plot, it's something that exists.

Sexy Mamo! #2

Composition is key!

Setsuna had the best hair!

Yet again a very good composition with all of Chibi-Usa's major emotional pillars from the previous season.


Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
Her expressions! ::love::::love::::love::::love::::love::::love::

Now, Rei is switched with Ami in the shot as the scene shifts from an emotional one to a serious one.

Also, Sexy Mamo! #3

Her eyes!

The composition of the shots of the characters and their divisions is so well done in these scenes!

Her expression remains serious and serene but that subtle curved eyebrows perfectly transcribes her sadness over Chibi-Usa.

Beautiful Mimette!

Is that Bruce Wayne? :P

Isn't Tomoe cute? :mischief:

Why is this looking like straight out of a Cell-era DBZ episode?

Sexy Mamo! #4
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Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
I can't bring myself to watch Eternal P2 anymore.
It's just so boring and so uninteresting.
How and why do Usagi and Mamoru get turned to babies? Arg!
There's so much edginess and no emotion at all! :P


Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
Manga-like art!

This will forever be funny and timeless!!!
:minako:: What is it, Mako-chan? I asked what's wrong? Mako-chan, will you stop it already?
:mako:: It's not me! It's not me!
:rei:: WILL YOU GUYS SHUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The manga characters can only dream to have such goofy friendship!

You left something behind.

:rei:: Good Gosh, you're such an embarrassment!

Those glasses, that head scarf, Mimette's a dorky icon!

One of my favorite Sailor Moon scenes!

Minako and Usagi are the perfect comedic duo!


Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
How to investigate an evil organization's dirtiest secrets while still looking cool in school uniform ~ a lifestyle by Haruka and Michiru :kiss:

So the Death Busters invaded Tokyo 4 years ago because of Tomoe's experiment that accidently breached a tear in space.

Which caused an explosion and Hotaru seemingly died in that accident.

At that time, she was 8.
Interestingly, it's probably the same age she returns to in Stars when her growth spurt stops.

It can also be assumed that during Neo Queen Serenity's timeline (which is the OG one and which Pluto is aware of), the experiment failed and the Death Busters never invaded the Earth.
Without the Death Busters and namely Germatoid, Tomoe and Hotaru both died in that explosion.
Which in turn, Haruka and Michiru had no reason to awaken and Saturn was neither a threat to be dealt with.

Now, why would such a change in the time-line occur 4 years before the story even began?
Was it ripples because of Chibi-Usa that ended going as far as back then or was it simply a change that just 'happened'?

Rei, always on the alert and doing it looking beautiful.

Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
Episode 120 is basically a rewritten version of the Mimette manga chapter and it's miles better!
Not only the whole premise is much more interesting; the girls infiltrate and investigate the Mugen Academy when there's a seminar being held, while on the other hand, Haruka, Michiru & Setsuna take advantage of the situation to do a little Scooby-Doo investigation to try to figure out the hide-out of the Death Busters.
In the mean-time, Mimette having her back against the wall, decides to launch an all-out attack.

In the manga however, Mimette's plan is a MAJOR plot-hole.
First the manga, itself, contradicts itself over the 'Hostes'.
For people like Tomoe and Hotaru, we see they have had an egg implanted inside of them making them 'hosts'. And it falls in line with Pharaoh 90 which is a parasitic organism.
Yet, we see eggs being forcefully not implanted but thrown at people which not transforms them but instead traps them inside themselves.
Then, we have the underground laboratory at Mugen Academy where Tomoe stores his 'artificial Daimons' which look no different from the normal ones.
Then, finally we have the Witches 5 collecting 'Hostes' (whatever these are).
Even back in the Infinity arc, Takeuchi was making random stuff as she was going on...

Back to the Mimette Chapter, she is described as this super popular and hit idol who gets to even have a major concert at a music hall with hundreds of people. It's not a private show or a recluse, guest-only show no - it's a very publicized concert.
And then out of the blue, she decides, well I'm gonna kill everybody!
How does that make sense?
We don't even know why the Witches collect Hostes and what they do with them.
What was she gonna do when several hundreds of people at her show ended up dead?
Wouldn't she, and by instance Mugen Academy, become suspect no.1 for the police and the Sailor Senshi???
Where's the logic in that?

The 90s anime again handles it with actual intelligence and makes Mimette an unknown assailant who attacked people at Mugen Academy. The next episode even, we see Mugen Academy is closed (probably because of Mimette's attack).

Back to the art.

:usagi::Mimette! You dared to steal the professor's heart, humankind's treasure!

:ami:: Such goons won't be left unforgiven!

:mako:: The Heavens know, the Land knows and the People know! (It's an actual proverb! 天知る、地知る、我知る、人知る)

:minako:: The Sailor Team of Love and Justice will...

:rei::... Punish you in the name of the Moon!

The girls got really fired up! :P
And amazing art for the occasion!


Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
#120 has an amazing battle! Easily one of the best monster of the week fights and very reminiscent of the highlight of the Classic era!

Ya know this is how so many of the attack panels of the manga should have looked - actually illustrating what's happening.
Also Venus pulled out a Thunder Wave!


She's literally throwing FLOPPY DISKS! (They should have been of different colors lol)

It's all in the subtle movements - THIS is what Crystermos lacked.

I saw you Kagawa!


Onuzim Ima

Aurorae Lunares
Aug 11, 2010
Now, why would such a change in the time-line occur 4 years before the story even began?
Was it ripples because of Chibi-Usa that ended going as far as back then or was it simply a change that just 'happened'?
Y'know, wibbley-wobbley, timey-whimey stuff, m'kay? :mrgreen:

How does that make sense? [...] Where's the logic in that?
How could the security guard do that w/o breaking laws?
Guys, whenever you try to force Real World Logic into an animated series about miniskirt-wearing magical girls, God kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens! =^_^=

P. S.: Nineteen-hundreth post. Round Jubilee! ::toast:
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Likes: hey_its_rj

Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023

I mean, I like their duo but both her and Tuxedo got super nerfed in S+...
Well, considering from now on all of the mid-bosses are female, it would kinda feel weird that he's going hand on hand with them.

I liked U-PASOKON! She was fun!

Her design kinda makes me think of Leona from King of Fighters.

This is such a 'Sailor Moon' shot!
Purely 90s anime!

I don't know if it's thanks to Itoh being Chief Animation Director and thus supervising the season's art but this shot is so, so Sailor Moon Aesthetic.
The eyes, the hair, the expression, the staff in her hand.
Crystermos could have NEVER!

Mimette ends up having one of the most terrifying deaths of all Sailor Moon.
She is forever confined in the void till slowly her life gives away as her energy fades, alone and forgotten of all.


Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
Ya know this is how so many of the attack panels of the manga should have looked - actually illustrating what's happening.


THOSE NOSTALGICS...................................................... THE 90's IS NOT CANON!!!!

Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
We continue with #122.
Hideyuki Motohashi is credited as the Animation Director however the art is very different from what he gave us during R.
There are also a LOT of Ando shots in here (he is credited as the main key animator) and many of his shots are left uncorrected by Motohashi.
And for people who know of Motohashi's style, namely him being the character designer on the Crystal twin series; Saint Seiya ~ Soul of Gold, it's veerry retro.
Which results in a rather bizarre looking episode this late in the game.

I have to wonder if the Tellu and Viluy episode weren't actually planned but instead the higher-ups said, 'Ok, this is not working, you've got 5 episodes, wrap it up!'.
Which would explain the rather poor looking episodes of the 2 and how of an expedite exit the remaining 3 Witches get.
Now, if this wasn't planned, it's interesting to wonder what would have been the original plan for them.
The Mimette arc is essentially the Hotaru arc.
Was it actually planned that Mimette would be double-crossed by the 3 remaining ones and they would each alternate a la Amazoness Quartet?

Still each of their episodes are really well done and written, I just wish they were 2 parters so that the witches would have had more screen time.

Ando shots.

Motohashi shot.

The most beautiful shot of the whole episode! :wow:

Back to Ando.
It's interesting to see Michiru and Haruka at school. I would have loved more of that!
Also, relating back to the Mimette episode where they were trying to find an entrance to Tomoe's laboratory, here we discover that they have since found a locked door and have tried a couple of times to open it.

Back to Motohashi.

A weird mix of Ando and Motohashi.

Even thought it's her only episode and it's not the best looking, Viluy is actually pretty!


Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023

Really cool to have solo HaruMichi scenes!

Quite beautiful!
Very manga-like even!

And we get to see that very 80s, retro style of Motohashi.

Michiru giving us very 'Hokuto no Ken' hairstyle!

There's unfortunately not much to discuss about Viluy's attack, it's very straightforward.

Like I always say, the magic is in the subtle movements!


Talentless Fool

Aurorae Lunares
Jan 23, 2023
Some very 'Shounen'-anime like art here.

I would say Viluy's death is the visually weakest out of the Witches 5.
While her death is very bitter as she is eaten away by her own nano-robots, she just fades out... like an JRPG character...

Michiru-sama being a graceful Queen!

I'm Sataan y'all! Byeeeeeeee!!!

Even Mamoru, Setsuna and Chibi-Usa get to have a strong scene.
Really love the dynamic of these 3.

The episode ends on a strong note with HaruMichi acknowledging Ami's worth.
Considering she's the one with whom they had the least interactions with and taking Ami's general character arc into account, it's quite the pivotal moment!

Overall, this was a very strong episode.
It's unfortunate that the art is not that strong however.

Compared to that, the Crystal version is so weak!
Half of the episode is wasted on this ridiculous one-sided love of Haruka towards Usagi and we spend several scenes on how everyone wants to be with Usagi yet despite being the most selfish thing alive, UsaMe is portrayed as the mother of martyrdom... Barf!

For the actual plot, it's so badly written.
The girls from the Eudial episode already know something is amiss at Mugen Academy so there's no reason for Ami to go investigate on her own.
This whole trip itself is useless as the secret of Mugen Academy being the HQ of the Death Busters never plays into the plot, we don't even know what Haruka and Michiru were doing at the school, the entrance of the basement is open to everyone and why are Daimons into cages?
It's just so bad, it's a whole filler episode with fan-fiction writing.
As a side note, Mamoru is so boring. He's supposedly a high school student but acts and looks like a 20 year old with no personality.

If ever I do an analysis of the Infinity arc, this whole veil of the manga version is better will be shredded to pieces.

I can't believe in 2016, Toei literally put out a much inferior version of an episode they did years before paraded as supposedly the 'true' version by fans.