By the way, while I was geeking out about astronomy the other day, I started reading about neutron stars/pulsars and, maybe the starlights' attacks might have inspiration from these sources? Both visually in the Cosmos teasers and from them being attacks with "star" on their titles.
"Star Serious Laser" in Cosmos, for instance, reminds me a lot of scientific simulations of pulsars, which are highly magnetized rotating neutron stars that emit electromagnetic radiation beams from their poles, looking a bit like disco strobe lights lmao.
Those stars are extremely more dense than any object in our solar system, and if those radiation beams so much as scratched the Earth, it would burn it to a crisp. I think it also makes sense as how the Starlights' attacks are able to kill off the animamates, when the inners and outers can't so much as scratch them.