saddly for you in the manga she was always female so i know why they didnt use him, mh i know they still could but maybe they didnt have approval to do it
why does people keep assuming that i haven't read the manga?
I know that in that version they are female , but as i said , in latin spanish there is a huge difference between a fem voice and a male voice.
if a latin woman tries to emulate a male voice in real life , i would inmediately identify that she is a woman , cause even if she tries to emulate a manly voice , it is imposible to not to hear female traces among her tone of voice.
the same thing would happen to a latin man that would try to emulate a fem voice.
when i hear the voice of seiya in the trailer i can hear that it is a woman voice , even with his male disguise i can still disting it , so i am supposed to believe that they fooled the whole country in which they are with an OBVIOUS female voice.
also they could have had male voice actors , and that wouldnt have prevented that they could be women in the Cosmos anime.
in the latin dub of the 90s , fish eye was played by a woman , but that didnt meaned that they censored fish eye as a woman, just because his VA was a woman , he still was considered as a MAN even if his voice actress in the latin dub was a WOMAN.
so if the three lights would have had male voice actors wouldnt have meaned that they were saying that they were actual male, one thing is the voice actor or actress and another thing is the character they are playing.
if fish eye could be considered as a man , even if his voice actress was a woman in the 90s latin dub , then the three lights could also have male voice actors and still be considered as female.
or i am supposed to think that if a character have a male voice actor then the character is neccesarily a man ,too.
there are many cases of voice actor and actress that play characters that have their opposite gender , and that doesnt affect at all to the gender of their characters that they are interpreting.
a voice actor or actress should be choosed basing on how much his or her voice fits to the character , not mainly in his or her gender.
Naoko decisions just show that she doesnt know NOTHING about dubs.