Sailor Moon Cosmos movies on Netflix (finally)

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Lumen Cinererum
Aug 28, 2024
Hello hello!

Finally got to see these movies and honestly, Netflix did a terrible job with the subtitles. Like wow, guys, it's called "effort", have you heard of it!?

Cosmos Part 1's subs were SO AWFUL that I retreated to the Seven Seas (yahar):pirate: to watch Part 2.

"How are the subs awful?" You might ask?

Because their timing is really off, their translations are lazy (and not always accurate!!) and they even forgot to translate SEVERAL lines of dialogue!

I screeched about it on Twitter because I am a fan translator who takes this stuff very seriously and yeah haha. IT'S BAD.:sick:

In the manga, Galaxia was bleeding after getting hit by Chaos.
It really irritates me how Crystal acts allergic to dark imagery and violence. TREAT US LIKE ADULTS, PLEASE.:twistedevil: Aside from this, they adapted the Stars manga arc spectacularly, imho. I just reread the final volume last night...and yeah. I can't complain at all (aside from the "stop toning it down plz")
some of my thoughts on it. Chibi Chibi was so darn cute.
The Star Lights Transformation was a different take but then I remembered in the Manga they only dressed as guys vs the Anime they had male bodies and turned back into their female bodies (If I got this wrong, it's because it's been a while since I read the manga or watched the original anime.... i should do a rewatch/reread some time soon)

I think the animation looked nice, much better than season one of Crystal.

I like how the handled Usagi going on as if Mamoru didn't die and buried that meioery dead in her head

I do wish they would have dub the music. I watched the english version, and if I remember right I think they did this will all the songs in both the redub and Crystal dub.
Jun 20, 2023
What a success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I REALLY hope you are not being sarcastic!!!! The Latin American spanish dub was AMAZING!!! I love the transfromations! I love how they say "Por el poder del (planet) crystal power... Make UP!" (By the power of the (planet) crystal power...Make Up!) and the "Ella es la Warrior of Destrukptchon" (She is the Warrior of Destruction), and how Usagi sounds like she's the one being stabbed by Sailor Chi...or Phi... when she says Make Up *Chef Kiss
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Lady Pen

Aurorae Lunares
Mar 12, 2021
I REALLY hope you are not being sarcastic!!!! The Latin American spanish dub was AMAZING!!! I love the transfromations! I love how they say "Por el poder del (planet) crystal power... Make UP!" (By the power of the (planet) crystal power...Make Up!) and the "Ella es la Warrior of Destrukptchon" (She is the Warrior of Destruction), and how Usagi sounds like she's the one being stabbed by Sailor Chi...or Phi... when she says Make Up *Chef Kiss
To me the Latin american spanish dub is crap. And Usagi sounds like a granny whose boobs are being pinched while she's in front of the mic.
Jun 20, 2023
To me the Latin american spanish dub is crap. And Usagi sounds like a granny whose boobs are being pinched while she's in front of the mic.
Do you have something against granny Moon and granny Mars??? Are you grannyphobic?. >:v

I think @BlackWings was being sarcastic. At least, I hope so...
Yes, I was being sarcastic. xD

Al Evans

Luna Crescens
Jul 3, 2023
Finished the movies today. My thoughts are mostly about the second film:

Finished both movies at last. I had some nitpicks here and there, mostly in terms of how they were kind of perfuctory imo in how they did adapted the visuals.

However, by the end I was teary eyed.

I particularly liked the beginning and end of the second film. There was a sense of bookending the story.

The first scene from the manga, original anime and almost the very first scene of Crystal starts with Usagi interacting with Ikuko before leaving the house. Part 2 started off with Usagi and Ikuko before Usagi leaves to go into outer space.

The penultimate scene of the film ends with the Tsukino family, in a recreation of a moment from the debut of Usagi. It felt very much like, look how far we have come.

In addiion, in my opinion, seeing the Tsukino family together one last time might've been Naoko paying tribute as Usagi was somewhat based upon herself and Usagi's family was based directly upon her own irl.

I also loved how the Movie did a bit of a Circle of Life in regards to Usagi's Moon family. ||We see QS in the Cauldron birthing Usagi. We see Sailor Cosmos (who IS Usagi) with a tiny ball of light implied by the end of the film to be Chibi-Usa. Its like a mother-daughter tradition. ||

Some interesting alterations from the manga:

- The movie is mostly unambiguous about who Sailor Cosmos is. She is Neo-Queen Serenity farther into the future, somewhat, implying she is NQS's Sailor form.

- Sailor Chaos is red not black and apparently has a monster army. I guess this makes more sense, I always presumed she was 1 by 1 killing everyone by herself.

- Sailir Chaos wrecked Crystal Tokyo as we see King Endymion, he even has medals on his jacket like Mamoru when he got married to emphasise the point. Again, seems to imply Cosmos is NQS transformed.

- Sailor Cosmos DID defeat Sailor Chaos and then went back in time. Every manga translation implies she couldn't defeat Sailor Chaos, hence she goes back in time. This is a major change to the lore. Although it is unclear if she was depressed after winning, regarding it as a pyric victory or if Chaos' army kept fighting.

- Guardian Cosmos' last dialogue was changed. In the manga she says all things are possible in the Gala y Cauldron. In the movie she says if Chaos returns she believes Sailor moon will defend everyone, corroborating the change that Cozmos DOES defeat Chaos

- The movie confirms that there was a timeskip after they were reborn. It wasnt that they woke up in bed together, that was a flash forward

- Queen Serenity was depressed when she birthed Usagi in the GC. That is not the case in the manga and sends my imagination running wild.

- Guardian cosmos when discussing QS birthing Usagi says that star had a similar shine to Usagi. It is ambiguous as to what she is talking about, she might just be conveying that the baby born in the cauldron WAS Usagi. But in the movie her dialogue is actually comparing Usagi to QS. Usagi has the same shine as her mother

- in Sailor cosmos' last moments we see a little glowing ball in her hand and see another one later during the wedding, when it enters Usagi. This implies we literally see chibiusa's star seed being birthed from the cauldron


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
Some interesting alterations from the manga:

- The movie is mostly unambiguous about who Sailor Cosmos is. She is Neo-Queen Serenity farther into the future, somewhat, implying she is NQS's Sailor form.

- Sailor Chaos is red not black and apparently has a monster army. I guess this makes more sense, I always presumed she was 1 by 1 killing everyone by herself.

- Sailir Chaos wrecked Crystal Tokyo as we see King Endymion, he even has medals on his jacket like Mamoru when he got married to emphasise the point. Again, seems to imply Cosmos is NQS transformed.

- Sailor Cosmos DID defeat Sailor Chaos and then went back in time. Every manga translation implies she couldn't defeat Sailor Chaos, hence she goes back in time. This is a major change to the lore. Although it is unclear if she was depressed after winning, regarding it as a pyric victory or if Chaos' army kept fighting.
Sailor Chaos replaced Death Phantom in a new reality that Usagi created when she jumped to the Cauldron, the original and the new reality coexists but the new one is the one that is relevant.
Apr 6, 2010
New York
Well on a un related note, I love the English casting of Chaos, one of the most important anime in my life was Eureka Seven, the irony of Kari Wahlgreen voicing Sailor Moon ultimate enemy. The voice of Anemonie is the ultimate enemy of Eureka.