Sailor Pinocchio: Lies, Heresy and Misinformation

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Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
Here we may only post lies about the franchise
Not head canons, not rumors, not stuff that was considered and later dropped...

:twistedevil: Those posting true things will be treated as if they are the liar and gaslit into thinking they are the crazy ones! :twistedevil:
I do hope people post true stuff too, so things get really chaotic and fun.
I want to call them out for daring to speak the truth!

I'll go first.


Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
Did you know that Sailor Mars was actually a blonde?
She refused to be a stand-in for Serenity so she dyed her hair black in defiance.
Because of that. Queen Serenity sent two spies (Phobos and Deimos) to make sure Mars wasn't planning a revolt.

In the second Materials collection, all of this is revealed along with a ton of other behind the scenes stuff.
Jul 5, 2009
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon is a soul reaper and has her very own Bankai. The worthless Amazoness Quatro plot devices got the upper hand on her at first but then Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon has a resurreccion just like an Arrancar/Espada. Furious Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon raises an army of the undead and eventually defeating the worthless Amazoness Quatro plot devices as the undead eat their brains. :googly:


Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon is a soul reaper and has her very own Bankai. The worthless Amazoness Quatro plot devices got the upper hand on her at first but then Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon has a resurreccion just like an Arrancar/Espada. She raisies an army of the undead and eventually defeating the worthless Amazoness Quatro plot devices as the undead eat their brains. :googly:
Oh no, those poor undead are going to starve if they have to rely on the Quartet's brains. :sadeyes:


Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
Yaten was a squirrel from Planet Donguri.
She wasn't an original member of the Starlights, they picked her up randomly when she hit their windshield after falling off of a space powerline.

Her civilian name was Momiji Risu and like Luna and Artemis, has a human form.

Her hobbies on Donguri included hiding nuts (this came in handy later on in her career, for sure.) dodging cars, chattering at cats and eating baby birds.

Picture of Planet Donguri
Sep 19, 2022
Prince Demande is a reincarnation of Fish Eye in the future who is a reincarnation of Fiore and Fiore is a reincarnation of Queen Beryl [Also Queen Beryl has Gender dysmorphia].

Queen Beryl was in love with Prince Endymion, he then met Matallia and a bunch of s**t went down as we all know. When he was reborn, he didn't realize he had feelings for Mamoru until the end of Classic but was blinded by Matalia's influence.

He reincarnated as Fiore who after fleeting a dying Planet full of war, came to Earth and fell in love [or something, they were kids and he didn't comprehend that at the time] with Mamoru again, promising to return a flower. He then found the Xenian Flower, who is a reincarnation of Matalia. Blinding Fiore's feelings again. Then some stuff happens and he dies

Fiore then reincarnates as a fish, who is then turned into Fish's Eye. Also Zirconia/Nehelenia is the reincarnated version of Xenian Flower. The whole Gender dysmorphia thing comes back with Fisheye being male but also being able to tranform into a woman [explaining why he had breast during that shower.

In the future he reincarnates as Prince Demande. This is why they have the same outfit as Fiore. On some other planet, he meets Saphir who he has an attachment towards for some unknown reason [Its because he and Mamoru look the same]. He wants to be with Saphir so he brainwashes him convincing [or gaslighting] everyone that he is his brother to be close to him [being a young age, that is the closet relationship with Saphir he can comprehend]

He then met Wiseman who's a reincarnation of the Zirconia/Nehelenia. In Saphir's dying moments he realizes he was in love with him and the tragic cycle repeats. Eventually he will be reincarnated as a gender ambiguous being and will fall in love with a Mamoru look alike and they will live happily ever after in some other galaxy



Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
In the future he reincarnates as Prince Demande. This is why they have the same outfit as Fiore. On some other planet, he meets Saphir who he has an attachment towards for some unknown reason [Its because he and Mamoru look the same]. He wants to be with Saphir so he brainwashes him convincing [or gaslighting] everyone that he is his brother to be close to him [being a young age, that is the closet relationship with Saphir he can comprehend]
But wait, doesn't Demande want Neo Queen Serenity? Maybe he wants her as bait.

No wait, I forgot, someone above reminded me that Mamoru IS Neo Queen Serenity.
Of course, it makes sense now.
Sep 19, 2022
Mercurius is actually Ryo Urawa. He changed his name and started wearing those swirly glasses. As we know, the swirly glasses are capable of physically altering someone's appearance. That's why almost everyone who wears them look roughly the same.
Did You Know that....
DiC was planning a crossover event with Sailor Moon and (The Adventures of) Sonic the Hedgehog?

It's true! Here's a film frame!

It happens that Toei WAS in the middle of the artstyle transition at the time. It was ultimately canned due to Sailor Moon's Lower than DBZ ratings in the BIG Cities!

sailor Yaoi 81

Aurorae Lunares
Aug 2, 2023
Luna was actually a normal cat in earth during the silver millenium era, but someday Diana the Moon Fairy appeared randomly and Luna ate her , since that day luna can talk.
Artemis saw what happened , Artemis was a fem cat btw, and she also ate a random fairy from the moon called Pancho, but since it was a male fairy , Artemis got to transform into a male , but her didnt cared about it , he was happy that now he can talk.

In one of the visits to earth of the princess serenity ,:usagi: saw the talking cats and took them to the moon .
:luna:And:artemis: couldnt say that they killed two fairies from the moon , so they said that they came from the cat planet (without knowing the existence of the planet Mau ) and accidentally falled in the earth .

Serenity believed them because the planet Mau exists , and since that day luna and artemis are her pets.

The invasion of Quuen Beryl also meaned the total extinction of the moon fairies because Queen Serenity (the mom of:usagi: ) forgot to revive them.

Luna and Artemis havent told to anyone that they killed two moon faires beacuse that would mean that they would die due the rule number 6969696969696969696 of the moon Empire :Everyone who get to kill any moon fairy ,even as insignificant and pathetic as they are , will deserve to die.

So they will carry their secret to the grave , they also named their daughter Diana , in honor of the moon fairy that Luna killed.
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Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
Luna was actually a normal cat in earth during the silver millenium era, but someday Diana the Moon Fairy appeared randomly and Luna ate her , since that day luna can talk.
Artemis saw what happened , Artemis was a fem cat btw, and she also ate a random fairy from the moon called Pancho, but since it was a male fairy , Artemis got to transform into a male , but her didnt cared about it , he was happy that now he can talk.

In one of the visits to earth of the princess serenity ,:usagi: saw the talking cats and took them to the moon .
:luna:And:artemis: couldnt say that they killed two fairies from the moon , so they said that they came from the cat planet (without knowing the existence of the planet Mau ) and accidentally falled in the earth .

Serenity believed them because the planet Mau exists , and since that day luna and artemis are her pets.

The invasion of Quuen Beryl also meaned the total extinction of the moon fairies because Queen Serenity (the mom of:usagi: ) forgot to revive them.

Luna and Artemis havent told to anyone that they killed two moon faires beacuse that would mean that they would die due the rule number 6969696969696969696 of the moon Empire :Everyone who get to kill any moon fairy ,even as insignificant and pathetic as they are , will deserve to die.

So they will carry their secret to the grave , they also named their daughter Diana , in honor of the moon fairy that Luna killed.
Yeah, and in the second chapter of Parallel Sailor Moon, Luna has a second child and names it Pancho.
But Toei lost the manuscript. :(


Aurorae Lunares
Feb 16, 2021
City of the Four Kings, Isle of Avalon
Art from the second material collection and DEFINITELY NOT AI ART
Showing how originally in SUPERS/Dream Arc, the senshi were all going to get animal themed attacks.

If you've ever thought that Venus Love and Beauty SHOCK made no sense, rest easy knowing Naoko intended it to be SHARK.

Also, Jupiter dyed her hair green for her attack and performed "JUPITER WOKE REVOLUTION" but it was deemed to early in the 90s for that kind of thing.
Sep 1, 2011
Did You Know that....
DiC was planning a crossover event with Sailor Moon and (The Adventures of) Sonic the Hedgehog?

It's true! Here's a film frame!

It happens that Toei WAS in the middle of the artstyle transition at the time. It was ultimately canned due to Sailor Moon's Lower than DBZ ratings in the BIG Cities!
We were robbed of peak.
Likes: YuYu Yuichiro