Luna was actually a normal cat in earth during the silver millenium era, but someday
Diana the Moon Fairy appeared randomly and Luna ate her , since that day luna can talk.
Artemis saw what happened , Artemis was a fem cat btw, and she also ate a random fairy from the moon called Pancho, but since it was a male fairy , Artemis got to transform into a male , but her didnt cared about it , he was happy that now he can talk.
In one of the visits to earth of the princess serenity ,

saw the talking cats and took them to the moon .


couldnt say that they killed two fairies from the moon , so they said that they came from the cat planet (without knowing the existence of the planet Mau ) and accidentally falled in the earth .
Serenity believed them because the planet Mau exists , and since that day luna and artemis are her pets.
The invasion of Quuen Beryl also meaned the total extinction of the moon fairies because Queen Serenity (the mom of

) forgot to revive them.
Luna and Artemis havent told to anyone that they killed two moon faires beacuse that would mean that they would die due the rule number 6969696969696969696 of the moon Empire :Everyone who get to kill any moon fairy ,even as insignificant and pathetic as they are , will deserve to die.
So they will carry their secret to the grave , they also named their daughter Diana , in honor of the moon fairy that Luna killed.