[not counting Crystal and Dic]
Haruka and the 3 lights - Yaten and Haruka have Makoto in some way. Seiya and Haruka seem pretty even [I guess]
Makoto - pretty obvious
PGSM Minako - The deadly clown kick
Mamoru, Minako, [probably Michiru?] - Mamoru Is pretty fit and can still throw roses [Zoisite confrontation]. I guess he also did stuff in the VR episode. Minako ripped out of the AT's trap after being double dream penetrated [

], ran a relatively long distance without a heart crystal [although that could've been from the drinks Usagi gave her beforehand, whether it is or isn't it felt mentionable], decent response time [Season 1 and R movie]. *Read below for Michiru*
Rei and Michiru - I'm not sure where either of them should go [especially Michiru] so I'm putting them here. Rei used a chair against a Youma, is generally quick with her A and has great senses. Michiru also has great senses, took out that maid lady, and
I think she's as fast as Haruka.
Usagi and Setsuna - Usagi body attacked Eudial. [She also walked through a blizzard and loooong stretch of thorns, but I don't know if that counts here]. No idea where Setsuna should go honestly.
Ami - Ami
Chibiusa - Chibiusa [guess I can include Luna P but not dure if that does much anyway]
Hotaru [mistress 9 infested] - can probably go anywhere honestly. She's sickly to the point of collapsing and can apparently injure you at any time.
I'm probably forgetting some stuff so I may need to return to this.