The best fan made transformations and attacks

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I love this thread! Stuff like this isn't something I really seek out, but I always love seeing it!

Seeing the dedication of fans to make cool things like fan animations and edits is always awesome. I also love seeing people's fan-made transformation items, they get pretty over the top but it's cool and feels in line with the toyetic feel of the 90s anime lol

Plus the WIP ones where you see the sketches are cool and good motivation lol, since I've got a (much more basic) fan transformation clip I'm (slowly) working on for my OC.

On the topic of OCs, here are some sequences that my friend has made, one fore one of her characters (Sailor Leo), and the other for a mutual friend (Sailor Aello)! They're only on Tiktok though (well, outside of Discord at least), which I don't have so idk if I'm sharing them right, sorry.

Sailor Leo: TikTok - Make Your Day
Sailor Aello: TikTok - Make Your Day
Likes: YuYu Yuichiro


Luna Crescens
May 5, 2024
If someone comes up with an AI specifically designed to create Sailor Moon according to every fan prompts and wishes will end up a gazillionaire because we all have so many different visions about it.
Just imagine if Toei had actually hired people to animate and choreograph stuff like this instead of tracing 30 year old drawings.
Honestly this is why I love the Sailor Moon Crystal CGI transformation sequences - they actually tried some thing new! It was still very reminiscent of the old stuff, but it was an homage rather than just blatantly doing the exact same thing like Eternal and Cosmos did :/