[US] Sailor Moon returns to TV

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Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ
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Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ
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Jul 5, 2009
Toonami Rewind Promo | Dated | We are happy to announce that every Friday starting May 31st Toonami is going back in time. Say hello to Toonami Rewind, Fridays 5-7p on adult swim.... | By ToonamiFacebook

The Viz dub premieres every Friday at 5PM starting on May 31st.


LMAO, the Muskrat may have redirected Twitter to X but he hasn't killed embedded tweets with the old Twitter URL...yet.
Signed and sealed by our glorious CEO. First Raisonne now this. Tapping the US of A market as early as now for Generation Alpha to buy more :usagi: related products and for Kodansha to regurgitate the :usagi: manga for endless eternity. Absolute pure marketing genius.

Give yo momma Naoko Hime Sama a brand new car. :schlick:

Jul 5, 2009
I'm surprised they're bringing this back. I guess people have finally had it with Cartoon Network spamming Teen Titans Go 24/7?
We have to also thank the existence of Tumblrcats or else future generations are forced to watch calarts inspired cartoons until the end of humanity.

Likes: Starlight
Aug 12, 2014
Las Vegas NV
I think what excites me most about this is the prospect of translated credits. I recall when HxH was airing there, it's credits were translated and included complete cast lists for each episode. And with a lot of the MotD characters not having credited dub voices, this might finally give us that information.
THIS! ⬆️ I'll been doing English translated credits for the series on Internet Archive for some time now (for both the original Japanese version and the English dubs both from Viz and Cloverway.) And I wondered why Viz didn't even bothered translating the text in the credits, Now that Sailor Moon is finally back on the air in the U.S. again since in 2 decades, I highly hope that Viz will finally translated the credits for the broadcast now. I'm so excited for this in my life, I never thought I will see the series being aired on television again.


Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ
The lack of credits on Viz releases started with Ranma ½ HD in 2014 and things have been sloppy ever since because they can be random on if they include them or not.

-Included in Limited Edition Blu-ray booklets with only the main staff and casts (Ranma*, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal, Death Note*, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, etc)
-Included as part of a list of disc extras (One Punch Man, Hunter x Hunter 2011, Mazinger Z Infinity, Sailor Moon S-SuperS movies & Crystal season 3, etc)
-Broadcast on TV, streamed on Hulu (Crystal 1-2) or screened in theaters (R movie which is what's currently streaming and on Madman's release).
-No credits at all and you'll be lucky if you get a response if you e-mail them for a list.....I'm not even kidding, this actually happened for a show.

* - With Ranma, Death Note and Bleach, they had fully translated credits previously so I feel these had it the worst.

As for Sailor Moon, it made sense why they didn't use creditless versions for credits like the old days because a number of them were never released (and IIRC, some others were missing) but they really should have went the disc extra route. In their season 1 set of One Punch Man, they included credits for all 13 episodes separately in it's extras.....which was a bit overkill since it's basically the ED video on all of them but it does help since in addition to new characters, people tend to change on the staff side of things after a certain number of episodes so they should have done that here.


Oh right, there's also the Bleach spinoff, Burn the Witch, which had it's main staff and cast hidden under the plastic of the Limited Edition digipak it came in.

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Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ

The return of SM on TV is always good news. I think... will this be the first time Sailor Stars on the telly in USA? Great!!
That's assuming this particular block lasts for 5 years, it's hard to tell with what's going on at Cartoon Network and Warner Bros Discovery these days.

Still would be nice, first time airing for Stars and also the end of Filler Hell Naruto.
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Sep 9, 2011
Richmond, VA, United States
This would’ve been much more exciting 10 years ago, but still cool to see. Of course it’ll take 4 years to broadcast the show if they stick with one episode a week, so it’ll be a while before Stars truly gets an American TV broadcast. Nonetheless, this will be the US debut of the episodes DiC skipped. Maybe they’ll broadcast this on their late night Saturday block too.

And yes, translated credits with English cast lists after all this time would be a godsend. Unfortunately Toonami/Adult Swim sometimes just keeps them in Japanese.
Mar 7, 2023
Very excited for this! I always wanted to see the anime get a shot in modern, American TV broadcasting, so hopefully everyone and anyone else who wanted this (even if it’s not the DiC dub) actually tunes in also. :dance: While I’d like to think viewership could definitely be the difference between just the first season being re-run continuously versus the entirety of the series, I’m not sure how CN really decides that or if they’re even planning to show more than the first season at all. I’d be more interested in seeing if viewership will play a part in merchandise & such (hi, official Cosmos release), but Sailor Moon could be seen as such an old brand that it won’t shift anything at all in that regard ^_^'


Gurges Ater
Oct 31, 2009
Wallington, NJ
Just remembered something, since Sailor Moon is opening the block, if they keep the same practice here that they have done with the Saturday block, they will be showing the full opening instead of a 30-second edited version while Kai and Naruto will have their 30-second versions brought back again.

Sep 6, 2014
I wish I could be more excited for this.

i guess it's kinda cool that Sailor Moon is finally back on US television for the first time since 2002 but ew on the Viz dub. I understand the Optimum dub isn't available but completely defeats the purpose of "Toonami Rewind" to use the redub. The redub never aired on Toonami, the DiC/Cloverway dub did. There is no rewind.

I also haven't had cable since 2014 so I couldn't watch this thing even if I wanted to.

That DiC dub bootleg DVD on ebay is looking more enticing by the minute..


Lumen Cinererum
Apr 15, 2011
Unfortunately, I have a feeling the credits will just have a list of voice actors, not credited to actual roles. I know that was the case with the Sailor Moon Crystal English credits, and even Naruto (a union dub). That’s not a Viz thing, but more of a Studiopolis quirk.
True, but I'm holding out hope because HxH 2011 (Another Viz title that aired on Toonami) did attribute roles to each cast member right down to unnamed characters. Not sure if Studiopolis was involved in that though, so that could very well be a factor. I guess time will tell.