So as an old fart that's well-versed with Sailor Moon, I've somehow never gotten around to watching Stars after they deal with Nehelenia. The early licensing issues made it so I was only able to see a couple random episodes with no subs a long, long time ago, and after they got licensed I just didn't pursue it.
I'm finally watching them now. Anyone want to hear my thoughts as I go through? I'm a few in now, and it's been interesting to see how Stars fares against the legendary S season, since they're often compared, among other things.
Ep 173: Despite everything, I continue to be surprised that they sent Mamoru away in this season/arc. I guess Moon and the others were entirely too certain in their PRINCESSU's power. Which I would buy, if, y'know, not for Moon needing her butt saved in nearly every episode of the entire series.
The Starlights intro song is always so neat. I don't blame Moon for not recognizing them, considering the gender swap. It actually makes more sense for their civilian identities to be more secretive considering they're not part of the Sailor Team. I wouldn't expect the crew to be able to recognize them as senshi right away (though that doesn't explain every other senshi revealed 'til now... oh well.)
The "IDK LOL" from Usagi at the end about what she saw to the rest of her team is annoying. Seems like a way of stretching out the myStErY for a little longer, but really, how hard is it to say that a group of rogue people calling themselves senshi showed up?
Ep 174: Such deja vu with Seiya. Definitely giving off the same cranky energy from Usagi that she had towards Mamo at first. Though it's a little goofier here since she's older now.
Uh, who let the steroid-infused 30 year old into the high school to play football?
Iron Mouse is so SMOL. I don't know about her personality yet, but she's cute.
Ugh. Honey, Maker, get your pH checked... The goop attack is one thing, but the fact that it burns...
That's all I got for now. I'll do more if anyone cares.
I'm finally watching them now. Anyone want to hear my thoughts as I go through? I'm a few in now, and it's been interesting to see how Stars fares against the legendary S season, since they're often compared, among other things.
Ep 173: Despite everything, I continue to be surprised that they sent Mamoru away in this season/arc. I guess Moon and the others were entirely too certain in their PRINCESSU's power. Which I would buy, if, y'know, not for Moon needing her butt saved in nearly every episode of the entire series.
The Starlights intro song is always so neat. I don't blame Moon for not recognizing them, considering the gender swap. It actually makes more sense for their civilian identities to be more secretive considering they're not part of the Sailor Team. I wouldn't expect the crew to be able to recognize them as senshi right away (though that doesn't explain every other senshi revealed 'til now... oh well.)
The "IDK LOL" from Usagi at the end about what she saw to the rest of her team is annoying. Seems like a way of stretching out the myStErY for a little longer, but really, how hard is it to say that a group of rogue people calling themselves senshi showed up?
Ep 174: Such deja vu with Seiya. Definitely giving off the same cranky energy from Usagi that she had towards Mamo at first. Though it's a little goofier here since she's older now.
Uh, who let the steroid-infused 30 year old into the high school to play football?
Iron Mouse is so SMOL. I don't know about her personality yet, but she's cute.
Ugh. Honey, Maker, get your pH checked... The goop attack is one thing, but the fact that it burns...

That's all I got for now. I'll do more if anyone cares.