Watching Stars (Galaxia Arc) For the First Time

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Solaris Luna
Sep 21, 2010
If there was a season where the MoTD format felt completely unnecessary and forced, it’s this one. It’s like it wants to go down the route of ‘mature high school shoujo’ with the love triangle and emotional hijinks but they never have enough time to do so because they always have to include some contrived scenario in order feature a throwaway VoTD and laughable 3 minute fight sequence to make Bandai happy and sell some toys. I mean this was always a thing but it’s at its worst in this season. Also doesn’t help that all the monsters are basically played for laughs and pose no threat what-so-ever. It works in something lighthearted like SuperS but feels completely out of place here.
Totally agree. The episodes so far feel cramped yet accomplish little. The enemies are goofy af and make no sense. Why would a human with their (false) star seed removed turn into a fake senshi anyway? It's pretty clear they were trying to mimic favorable things from prior seasons, but the MOTD enemies were a mistake. Having Galaxia's followers bring a random minion with them would have made much more sense and fit the narrative better. So much time spent introducing random people that I'm guessing will never appear in the show again.


Aurorae Lunares
Dec 20, 2011
New York
Ok, I gotta admit, the 'date' between Usagi and Seiya is cute. Seeing them freaking out on rollercoasters, scary haunted houses, all the rest... I'm getting a lot more charming chemistry here than the series tended to show between Mamoru and Usagi. I know some folks love their relationship in the anime, but gawd, Mamoru is always SO STIFF and uptight with her. These two actually feel like they could develop a real relationship if not for that pesky reincarnation past love stuff. XP
hehe yeah I enjoy this episode a lot, and it really solidifies my enjoyment of the Seiya/Usagi ship.

FUN FACT: The subbers can't get the translation on these attacks right much more than the original DiC dub. Today Star Fighter used "Star SIRIUS Laser"... Which could be an interesting pun, if it were intentional, but no, it's just a mistranslation. Good job there, Viz!
omfg that's really what Viz went with??? I wonder if they'll claim Takeuchi insisted it's Sirius or some other nonsense lol.

Standing on Pluto's talisman? The NERVE.
I mean what else is the Garnet Orb good for in the 90s anime? lol


Solaris Luna
Sep 21, 2010
omfg that's really what Viz went with??? I wonder if they'll claim Takeuchi insisted it's Sirius or some other nonsense lol.
That's the worst part. Up until now it's been Star Serious Laser, but it spontaneously turned into Sirius in that episode. Just like how they'd flip-flop between attack names in the 90s dub, like Moon Scepter Elimination and Moon Scepter Activation. I'll be looking out for any more oddities going forward.

I mean what else is the Garnet Orb good for in the 90s anime? lol
:cry: :clap: lol


Gurges Ater
Jul 29, 2012
omfg that's really what Viz went with??? I wonder if they'll claim Takeuchi insisted it's Sirius or some other nonsense lol.
When Takeuchi came to Comic-Con in San Diego in 1998, she implied that she was unhappy with the series finale and said that she wished more animation would be produced. OVAs or films.


Solaris Luna
Sep 21, 2010
-Episode 183 - The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster -

So in this episode, Rei's cousin gets zapped. Kind of interesting that they took care of that part at the beginning and spent more time on developing her backstory with him. I can appreciate the effort, but it still boils down to - who? We've never heard of this guy before, the whole story with her pendant has never been mentioned before nor has it even been shown in the show prior to this episode. I think I can see why Stars was supposed to be a 'soft reboot' because it's like it's abandoned most of what happened with the characters prior to the season. Surely Mars has enough established story to base something off of an existing character...

Well, that aside.

It looks like this was animated by the same thirsty director as the last episode I mentioned. The girls all seem to have much more elongated torsos, the sexualized vertical-slit-navel, Rei's flashing midrif prior to them even getting into swimsuits, and Siren's first appearance has her nipples bleeding through her top. Amusing, considering there's none to be found on fully-nude characters in the series. o_O

They're in the lake, something dangerous is approaching, and Ami... points and jogs at it. Senshi of water. C'mon. At least show off your impeccable swimming skills from S... They really dumbed her down in this season.

Fate just keeps bringing the Inners and the Starlights together, huh. Seriously, what are the odds?

It's actually kind of cute that the Starlights thought to prank the other girls. There's a Scooby-Doo feeling to the episode today.

I don't like Kengo (Rei's cousin). The idea of being an eccentric artist that smashes everything and anything one considers a failure is valid, but JFC, why are you doing that in front of a tiny kid? Great job terrorizing your little cousin. Save the personal destructive drama for when she's not visiting, ya creep.

Episode score: 5.5/10. Animation looked good for the most part, and some of it was funny, but ultimately it's a super-fluff episode with not-great writing.

-Episode 184 - A Night Alone Together - Usagi in Danger -

In this episode, fear over a burglar leads to Seiya staying at Usagi's house as a 'bodyguard'. Ok...

Man, Usagi's place really is huge. I've seen it discussed before, but her Dad must be doing QUITE well for his family to be living this nicely. It's like they're still in an 80s bubble.

Y'know, I don't tend to like those meme images that rewrite what the characters say to prove a point, like "Boys are the enemy" (at least, I'm fairly confident that's not an actual line from the show) but when Luna's saying stuff like "At the end of the day, men are just animals that run on instinct." maybe the fan-misandry isn't that far off :P

Ooh, it's the legendary putting the photo down scene. So many people get heated about this shot.

Aww, poor Fighter. They want to be honest with Usagi about their true identity... And here's Chibi-Chibi to ruin it.

Chibi-Chibi: "Mamo + Usa is a CANON event, must protect timeline!"

So the girls see Seiya in a towel and automatically assume Usagi's down to bone, huh? Get y'alls mind out of the gutter. Especially Ami. What a rude assumption for them all to make. I can sort of expect it from Minako and maybe Rei or Mako, but Ami? C'mon...

Seiya, moments ago: "I got cake on my face and clothes! Better take a bath!" But Usagi and the Inners magically recover from being covered in the mess they made in the kitchen, I guess...

If Taiki weren't so insufferable, the academic rivalry between Ami and Taiki would be cute.

Why is Seiya so much shorter than Haruka in this episode? They were practically eye-to-eye when Michiru was being a flirt.

Why did the girls hide alongside the Starlights? It would have been perfectly fine to have a group of girlfriends hanging out on a school night. I get the Starlights hiding, but... well, it seems like another poor writing excuse to try and deliver some fanservice. Or just bad writing. lol.

Ok, following the Outers' usual cool intro with criticizing them for standing on the table with their senshi shoes was pretty funny.

How, exactly, is Minako stuck in place by the window? There's no physical restraint visible and it happened before the guy transformed, so... what exactly is keeping her there?

YES IT'S MOON PIZZA ACTION! I've been waiting for that legendary scene! And knocking over things with her wings... Fantastic. The fact that the crashing noises continue while she's doing her posing cracked me up.

Why are the Starlights joining in? They clearly have this under control! Aw well. Just adding to the funny, I guess.

LMAO. Not letting Maker get her attack off, but also cutting her off before she can shout "UTERUS" in Usagi's home is great.

Episode rating: 7.5/10. There's still some stupid writing in this one, but overall it's a funny episode that goes over the top and was enjoyable to watch.
Likes: cat prince


Solaris Luna
Sep 21, 2010
My updates have slowed down because quite frankly, this season isn't interesting me much so far. But here we go.

-Episode 185 - Taiki's Song Filled with Passion and Faith -

Another annoying episode focused on Taiki. The three Starlights' role in finding their Princess is so irritating in that they keep freaking out and attacking each other for not being devoted enough or whatever. For all the jokes about the senshi being single-minded PRINCESSU-obsessed in the manga, the Starlights are far, far worse in the anime.

The story about the little girl 'seeing' Kakyuu and drawing her is rather interesting. Some of the characters have mentioned feeling an 'energy' or 'message' in the songs the Starlights are singing, and this one is downright hallucinating their Princess. I wonder if anyone else is affected. I also wonder if there's something inherent to the Starlights' power that makes singing the best way to reach out to their Princess, or is this just one of those cases of feelings magically reaching other people based on willpower alone?

Anyway, I figured out how to bypass the screenshot blocking, so here's some images of Taiki's forehead gradually growing to absorb the universe.

Why on earth were they so determined to draw him so badly...?

Score: 6/10

- Episode 186 - Chibi-Chibi's Mystery: The Big Noisy Chase -

Another primarily uninteresting episode. Chibi-Chibi gets into a lot of hijinks, Usagi shows that she'll definitely need an entire Queenly wait-staff in order to ensure her actual daughter doesn't kill herself by accident, and the Inners all tag along because it's such a tremendously small world.

Sailor Muhrs gets a lot of grief in Crystal, but good lord, the 90s had its share of stinking frames. At least Taiki's forehead ins't devouring the rest of his face here, but I'm not sure that's an improvement overall.

Also interesting to see more evidence that the Stars plot wasn't finalized until way too late in the show. The old guy in this one talking about how Usagi and Chibi-Chibi have "the exact same aura". I wonder when exactly they decided to pivot to making Galaxia's Star Seed Chibi-Chibi...

Bad guy: "How dare you break something valuable in my home?! Now watch as I destroy all my own valuable expensive shiz for no reason!"

I will say, though, that when this season looks nice, it definitely looks nice. And it's a welcome change to not have the series bogged down by random Ando episodes looking like butt. (Sorry Ando fans. It's my opinion.)

All in all, another pointless filler episode. Score: 4/10.

-Episode 187 - The Shining Power of a Star: Chibi-Chibi's Transformation -

Here comes another filler episode, it seems.

I guess Ami has taken over Umino's role as the snoopy, nerdy, gossipy type..

WOW. This biz is so not going to like life under Usagi's rule. I also love how the show keeps creating these one-off over-the-top character designs as people attending Usagi's school only to never be seen anywhere again, even in crowd shots...

The moment between Usagi and Seiya about the match is rather charming. Again, there's a sweetness between them/from Seiya to Usagi that I've never seen from Mamoru in the 90s anime.

Ooh! Seiren's almost got THE Star Seed! Someone finally had the sense to hone in on Moon, eh?

Chibi-Chibi transforms after touching Moon's weapon... who then in turns gives Moon an upgrade. Sometimes I feel sorry for the bad guys with all the deus ex machinacrap the good guys pull on them, lol.

Ohhhh noooo! It's the new attack animation for Moon! I hate this one! It's my least favorite of the entire series. It's so uninspired in its choreography. Give us a close-up of the weapon (with the new accessory you better go ask mom and dad to get for you!!!1!). Stand to the left and highlight the toy. Stand to the right and highlight the toy. Face forward and highlight the toy. Slowly turn around and blast the bad guy. Booooring.

*Sailor Moon uses her attack on Sailor Leaguer* *Sailor Leaguer dies* Oops! Guess Chibi-Chibi's upgrade is an offensive attack and not a healing one! The school ojou-sama has perished! Ohhh noooo (it'd be funny)

Episode score: 6.5/10. Only that high because of the relationship development between Usagi and Seiya and Siren finally deciding to target the right fricking person.
Likes: cat prince
Jul 5, 2009
My updates have slowed down because quite frankly, this season isn't interesting me much so far.
The fillers here are pretty much the latter half of SuperS. At least you know what to expect. I had such high expectations after watching the SuperS movie and some of the well written earlier episodes of SuperS.

Not sure if the writers were exhausted from doing Wedding Peach too or it's just a bad case of executive meddling. When it comes to the action there's only like 2 Phages that were actual threats and you're close to getting there.
Likes: foenyanko

Flame of Hikari

Lumen Cinererum
Jul 17, 2023
United States
My updates have slowed down because quite frankly, this season isn't interesting me much so far. But here we go.

-Episode 185 - Taiki's Song Filled with Passion and Faith -

Another annoying episode focused on Taiki. The three Starlights' role in finding their Princess is so irritating in that they keep freaking out and attacking each other for not being devoted enough or whatever. For all the jokes about the senshi being single-minded PRINCESSU-obsessed in the manga, the Starlights are far, far worse in the anime.

The story about the little girl 'seeing' Kakyuu and drawing her is rather interesting. Some of the characters have mentioned feeling an 'energy' or 'message' in the songs the Starlights are singing, and this one is downright hallucinating their Princess. I wonder if anyone else is affected. I also wonder if there's something inherent to the Starlights' power that makes singing the best way to reach out to their Princess, or is this just one of those cases of feelings magically reaching other people based on willpower alone?

Anyway, I figured out how to bypass the screenshot blocking, so here's some images of Taiki's forehead gradually growing to absorb the universe.

Why on earth were they so determined to draw him so badly...?

Score: 6/10

- Episode 186 - Chibi-Chibi's Mystery: The Big Noisy Chase -

Another primarily uninteresting episode. Chibi-Chibi gets into a lot of hijinks, Usagi shows that she'll definitely need an entire Queenly wait-staff in order to ensure her actual daughter doesn't kill herself by accident, and the Inners all tag along because it's such a tremendously small world.

Sailor Muhrs gets a lot of grief in Crystal, but good lord, the 90s had its share of stinking frames. At least Taiki's forehead ins't devouring the rest of his face here, but I'm not sure that's an improvement overall.

Also interesting to see more evidence that the Stars plot wasn't finalized until way too late in the show. The old guy in this one talking about how Usagi and Chibi-Chibi have "the exact same aura". I wonder when exactly they decided to pivot to making Galaxia's Star Seed Chibi-Chibi...

Bad guy: "How dare you break something valuable in my home?! Now watch as I destroy all my own valuable expensive shiz for no reason!"

I will say, though, that when this season looks nice, it definitely looks nice. And it's a welcome change to not have the series bogged down by random Ando episodes looking like butt. (Sorry Ando fans. It's my opinion.)

All in all, another pointless filler episode. Score: 4/10.

-Episode 187 - The Shining Power of a Star: Chibi-Chibi's Transformation -

Here comes another filler episode, it seems.

I guess Ami has taken over Umino's role as the snoopy, nerdy, gossipy type..

WOW. This biz is so not going to like life under Usagi's rule. I also love how the show keeps creating these one-off over-the-top character designs as people attending Usagi's school only to never be seen anywhere again, even in crowd shots...

The moment between Usagi and Seiya about the match is rather charming. Again, there's a sweetness between them/from Seiya to Usagi that I've never seen from Mamoru in the 90s anime.

Ooh! Seiren's almost got THE Star Seed! Someone finally had the sense to hone in on Moon, eh?

Chibi-Chibi transforms after touching Moon's weapon... who then in turns gives Moon an upgrade. Sometimes I feel sorry for the bad guys with all the deus ex machinacrap the good guys pull on them, lol.

Ohhhh noooo! It's the new attack animation for Moon! I hate this one! It's my least favorite of the entire series. It's so uninspired in its choreography. Give us a close-up of the weapon (with the new accessory you better go ask mom and dad to get for you!!!1!). Stand to the left and highlight the toy. Stand to the right and highlight the toy. Face forward and highlight the toy. Slowly turn around and blast the bad guy. Booooring.

*Sailor Moon uses her attack on Sailor Leaguer* *Sailor Leaguer dies* Oops! Guess Chibi-Chibi's upgrade is an offensive attack and not a healing one! The school ojou-sama has perished! Ohhh noooo (it'd be funny)

Episode score: 6.5/10. Only that high because of the relationship development between Usagi and Seiya and Siren finally deciding to target the right fricking person.
If 90s Stars Followed the manga and give the Outers more screen time including Chibi-Moon, The Sailor Quartetto and Cosmos I believe the episode score wouldn't be this low but instead be at a 8.1/10


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
In the manga Usagi is Naoko's self-insert, in the 90s anime Galaxia is the one who was made as the one based on Naoko due to her being based on Cosmos, Sato copied this on Pretear where the stepmom and dad of Himeno are similar to Naoko and Togashi and the Stepmom of Himeno is the antagonist of the manga of Pretear.


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
They're not the same person. They're just both on the autism spectrum. Autistic people often share similar traits and exhibit similar behavioral patterns. OCD and hyper-fixation on topics of their interest is usually among them.
I was assuming that different people are responding to the threads that I am replying to, so I tend to repeat things. I don't repeat in real life.


Aurorae Lunares
Apr 16, 2013
They're not the same person. They're just both on the autism spectrum. Autistic people often share similar traits and exhibit similar behavioral patterns. OCD and hyper-fixation on topics of their interest is usually among them.
Being autistic with Asperger's syndrome myself, we're not talking about OCD for autistic people, but about daily routine. Each day is scheduled the same, we must not destabilize our daily lives with unforeseen events.


Systema Solare
Feb 8, 2021
I prefer the Stars 90s anime over the manga at this point, Cosmos denies Usagi an informed choice so that she either can avoid the need for her to jump into the Cauldron or still choose to Jump and activate the Cosmos Seed, at least Usagi here chooses not to fight Galaxia but rather heal her.